Peningkatan jumlah kasus COVID-19 dan penyebarannya di berbagai negara terjadi berlangsung cukup cepat dan dalam waktu singkat. Hingga 4 Mei 2021, total kasus konfirmasi COVID-19 global adalah 152.534.452 dengan 3.198.528 kematian. Pemerintah Indonesia telah melaporkan 1.682.004 orang dengan COVID-19 yang dikonfirmasi, tertinggi di Asia Tenggara. Sebanyak 45.949 kematian terkait COVID-19 yang dilaporkan, dengan CFR sebesar 2,7%. Kematian akibat COVID-19 di Indonesia berada pada peringkat ke-2 di Asia dan ke-17 di dunia. Studi kasus-kontrol dilakukan menggunakan data rekam medis pasien COVID-19 di RSUP Haji Adam Malik Medan periode Maret 2020-Desember 2020. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan karakteristik serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kematian pada pasien COVID-19. Hasil penelitian melalui analisis multivariat logistik regresi menunjukkan bahwa, adanya peningkatan risiko terhadap kematian pada usia ≥ 60 tahun (OR=5.495, 95% CI: 2.398-12.591), demam (OR=4.441, 95% CI: 1.401-14.077), sesak napas (OR=8.310, 95% CI: 3.415-20.220), riwayat hipertensi (OR=2.454, 95% CI: 1.159-5.196), riwayat penyakit ginjal kronik (OR=10.460 kali, 95% CI: 3.282-33.331), riwayat penyakit kanker (OR=16.137, 95% CI: 2.798-96.147) pada pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat inap di RSUP Haji Adam Malik Medan Tahun 2020
The increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 and its spread in various countries occurred quite quickly and in a short time. As of May 4, 2021, the total global confirmed cases of COVID-19 were 152,534,452 with 3,198,528 deaths. The Indonesian government has reported 1,682,004 people with confirmed COVID-19, the highest in Southeast Asia. A total of 45,949 COVID-19-related deaths were reported, with a CFR of 2.7%. Deaths from COVID-19 in Indonesia are ranked 2nd in Asia and 17th in the world. A case-control study was conducted using medical records of COVID-19 patients at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital in Medan for the period March 2020-December 2020. This study describes the characteristics and identifies factors associated with death in COVID-19 patients. The results of the study through multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that there was an increased risk of death at age 60 years (OR = 5,495, 95% CI: 2,398-12,591), fever (OR = 4,441, 95% CI: 1,401-14,077), shortness of breath. breath (OR=8,310, 95% CI: 3,415-20,220), history of hypertension (OR=2,454, 95% CI: 1.159-5,196), history of chronic kidney disease (OR=10,460 times, 95% CI: 3.282-33,331) history of cancer (OR=16,137, 95% CI: 2,798-96,147) in COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital Medan in 2020