Gangguan otot dan tulang rangka akibat kerja (Gotrak) tersebar di seluruh dunia dan meningkatkan masalah kesehatan di tempat kerja serta menurunkan efisiensi fisiologis tubuh manusia, sehingga menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius. Selain terjadi pada pekerja yang menggunakan fisik, Gotrak juga umum terjadi pada pekerja di perkantoran karena terlibat dalam pekerjaan statis dan gerakan berulang dengan durasi yang lama dan monoton. Pada sektor kesehatan, kejadian Gotrak pada tenaga kesehatan telah banyak dilakukan penelitian dan pengendalian, namun sedikit referensinya pada pekerja perkantoran di RS, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian faktor risiko ergonomi perkantoran di RS. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis faktor risiko Gotrak pada pekerja perkantoran di RS. X. Desain penelitian ini cross sectional dengan pendekatan semikuantitatif. Teknik total samping mendapatkan 50 orang responden. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, lembar periksa ROSA untuk postur kerja, dan alat ukur antropometri. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil telitian mendapatkan 70% pekerja ada keluhan Gotrak. Terdapat hubungan antara faktor pekerjaan yaitu postur kerja, faktor individu yaitu jenis kelamin dan aktivitas fisik, faktor psikososial yaitu stres kerja dan kecemasan serta faktor pelayanan kesehatan kerja, dan kejadian Gotrak. Pelayanan kesehatan kerja pada Gotrak perlu ditingkatkan agar pekerja mengetahui dan mampu mengendalikan faktor risiko Gotrak di tempat kerja
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDS) are widespread throughout the world and increase health problem in the workplace and reduce the physiological efficiency of human body and becomes serious public health problem. Besides occurring in blue collar workers, wmsds is also common in office workers because involved in static work and repetitive movement with a long and monotonous duration. In health sector, the incidence of WMSDs in health workers has been widely stidied and controlled, but there are few references to office workers in hospitals, so it is necessary tostudy ergonomic risk factors in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for WMSDs in office worker at the hospital. The design of this study was cross sectional with a semi-quantitative approach. Total technique aside to get 50 respondents. The research instrument used was a questionnaire, ROSA check sheets for work posture, and anthropometric measuring instruments. Data analysis using chi-square test. The results of this study found that 70% of workers had WMSDS complaints. There is a relationship between work factor, namely work posture, individual factors, namely gender and physical activity, psychosocial factors, namely work stress and anxiety, and organization factor, namely occupational health service. Occupational health services in hospital for WMSDs need to be improved so that workers understand WMSDs risk factors and able to control WMSDS in workplace