Penyandang disabilitas merupakan kelompok yang termajinalkan di masyarakat sehingga seringkali dieksklusikan dalam lingkungan. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan serius karena adanya pandangan negatif terhadap disabilitas. Tidak hanya penyandang disabilitas yang mendapatkan stigma dari masyarakat namun orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan disabilitas psikososial ikut terkena dampaknya. Stigmatisasi membuat keluarga tertekan secara fisik dan mental sehingga dibutuhkan strategi koping dalam menangani stres akibat adanya stigma. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui secara mendalam stigma dan strategi koping keluarga dengan anggota keluarga disabilitas psikososial
People with disabilities are a marginalized group in society, so they are often excluded from the environment. This is a serious problem because of the negative view of disability. Not only people with disabilities who get stigma from society but parents who have children with psychosocial disabilities are also affected. Stigmatization makes families physically and mentally depressed so coping strategies are needed in dealing with stress due to stigma. The purpose of this research is to find out in depth the stigma and coping strategies of the family with family members with psychosocial disabilities. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach which was carried out in May – July 2022 at the SATUNAMA foundation with 12 informants including 6 families with psychosocial disabilities, 4 caregivers, 1 person in charge of the program, and 1 community leader. The results showed that the stigma experienced by the family in the form of feeling failed to be a good family, getting unpleasant treatment such as being scorned by relatives and society, and the stigma felt by the family anticipated related to the future of family members who experienced psychosocial disability schizophrenia. Coping strategies are carried out by families in reducing stress due to the stigma of asking for expert opinions, asking for family help, and worshiping. The results of this research recommend that the Office of Social Affairs can develop programs to reduce stigma and facilitate social rehabilitation for persons with psychosocial disabilities.