COVID-19 merupakan penyakit infeksi virus yang menular sangat cepat dan menyebar melalui droplet, aerosol, atau kontak dengan permukaan benda yang terkontaminasi. Langkah pencegahan dan pengendalian COVID-19 perlu memperhatikan faktor risiko di tempat kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganaIisis faktor risiko karakteristik pekerja, perilaku dan lingkungan tempat kerja, serta pengorganisasian pekerjaan dan budaya kerja pada kejadian COVID-19 perkantoran di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, jumlah responden sebanyak 127 orang diambil secara acak sederhana. Kuesioner menggunakan google-form, data sekunder dari penilaian penerapan protokol kesehatan pencegahan COVID-19 dan penerapan K3 perkantoran di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik regresi logistik. Hasil telitian mendapatkan kejadian COVID-19 perkantoran sebanyak 50,4%, 10,9% di antaranya reinfeksi. Ditemukan faktor risiko dominan kejadian COVID-19 perkantoran adalah kegemukan, kondisi kesehatan, komorbid, dan pengaturan waktu kerja (p<0,05). Strategi promosi kesehatan yang tepat, pengorganisasian pekerjaan dan budaya kerja yang mendukung keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja diperlukan untuk mengendalikan faktor risiko kejadian COVID-19 di perkantoran.
Covid-19 is a viral infectious disease that spreads very quickly and spreads through droplets aerosol, or contact with contaminated surfaces. Measures in preventing and controlling the COVID-19 spread has to pay attention to risk factors in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to analyze the risk factors characteristics for workers, workplace environment and behaviors, as well as working organization and culture in the office incidences of COVID-19 at the Jakarta Provincial Health Bureau Office. The research design is cross sectional with a quantitative approach, the number of respondents is 127 people taken by simple random. The research instrument used was a questionnaire using a google-form and secondary data from the assessment of the implementation of the COVID-19 prevention health protocol and the application of K3 offices at the Jakarta Provincial Health Bureau Office. The data was analyzed using logistic regression statistical test. The results of the analysis showed that there were 50.4% of positive cases of COVID-19 in offices, with 10.9% of them being re-infected. The dominant risk factors for the incidence of COVID-19 in the office were obesity, health conditions, comorbidities, and working time arrangements (p<0.05). Appropriate health promotion strategies, work organization and work culture that supports occupational safety and health are needed to control risk factors for the occurrence of COVID-19 in the office.