Secara global, industri pertambangan telah lama dianggap sebagai salah satu industri paling berbahaya dengan risiko kesehatan dan keselamatan yang besar bagi para pekerjanya. Frekuensi kejadian kecelakaan kerja dapat di cegah dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di tempat kerja sekaligus perilaku perilaku tenaga kerja pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya, yang mulai menyadari pentingnya penerapan norma K3 di tempat kerja. Kematangan tingkat budaya keselamatan (safety maturity level) sangat penting untuk pencegahan perilaku tidak aman, terutama berbagai sector industry dengan tingkat cedera dan kematian yang tinggi. Konsep ini bertujuan untuk membantu organisasi dalam menetapkan tingkat kematangan budaya keselamatan mereka saat ini dan mengidentifikasi tindakan yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan budaya keselamatan mereka, sehingga diketahui dimensi dan aspek budaya keselamatan yang perlu diperbaiki . Tujuan dari penelitian ini mendesain instrumen pengukuran budaya yang sesuai dengan kondisi di lingkungan PT. XYZ dengan 10 variabel penelitian commitment & support, Leadership, policy & strategy, engagement & involvement, value, safety cost, competency & training, information & communication dan safety performance, melakukan pengukuran budaya keselamatan pada PT. XYZ berdasarkan model tingkatan kematangan budaya keselamatan, dan melihat hubungan antar dimensi budaya keselamatan . Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah mix methode, kuantitatif dan studi literature untuk memilih dimensi budaya keselamatan yang dijadikan variable penelitian dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 123 orang. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) . Hasil penelitian menunjukan penilaian terhadap safety maturity level dengan 10 (sepuluh) dimensi budaya keselamatan di PT.XYZ berada pada poin 3.56 (Compliant to Proactive), terdapat 9 (sembilan) hipotesis yang dapat diterima, terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara Leadership (L) dengan Policy & Strategy (PS), dimensi Policy & Strategy (PS) dengan Safety Cost (SC), dimensi Commitment & Support (CS) dengan Process (P), dimensi Leadership (L) dengan Engagement & Involvement (EI), dimensi Safety Cost (SC) dengan Competency & Training (CT), dimensi Process (P) dengan Information & Communication (IC), dimensi Engagement & Involvement (EI) dengan Value (V), dimensi Competency & Training (CT) dengan Safety Performance (SP), Value (V) dengan Safety Performance (SP) dan 1 hipotesis yang tidak diterima, tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara dimensi Information & Communication (IC) dengan Safety Performance (SP).
Globally, the mining industry has long been considered one of the most dangerous industries with great health and safety risks to its workers. The frequency of work accidents can be prevented by planning, implementing and monitoring Occupational Safety and Health (K3) in the workplace as well as the behavior of workers in particular and the community in general, who are starting to realize the importance of implementing OSH norms in the workplace. Maturity level of safety culture (safety maturity level) is very important for the prevention of unsafe behavior, especially various industrial sectors with high rates of injury and death. This concept aims to assist organizations in determining the maturity level of their current safety culture and identify the actions needed to improve their safety culture, so that the dimensions and aspects of safety culture need to be improved . The purpose of this study is to design a cultural measurement instrument that is appropriate to the conditions in the PT. XYZ with 10 research variables commitment & support, Leadership, policy & strategy, engagement & involvement, value, safety cost, competency & training, information & communication and safety performance, measured safety culture at PT. XYZ is based on a safety culture maturity level model, and looks at the relationship between safety culture dimensions. The method used in this study is a mix method, quantitative and literature study to select the dimensions of safety culture which are used as research variables with research sample of 123 people. The results were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study show that the assessment of the safety maturity level with 10 (ten) dimensions of safety culture at PT. XYZ is at point 3.56 (Compliant to Proactive), there are 9 (nine) hypotheses that can be accepted, there is a significant relationship between Leadership (L) and Policy & Strategy (PS), Policy & Strategy (PS) dimension with Safety Cost (SC), Commitment & Support (CS) dimension with Process (P), Leadership dimension (L) with Engagement & Involvement (EI), Safety Cost dimension (SC) with Competency & Training (CT), Process dimension (P) with Information & Communication (IC), Engagement & Involvement (EI) dimension with Value (V), Competency & Training (CT) dimension with Safety Performance (SP) , Value (V) with Safety Performance (SP) and 1 hypothesis which is not accepted, there is no significant relationship between Information & Communication (IC) and Safety Performance (SP) dimensions.