Skripsi ini membahas tentang faktor risiko keluhan gangguan otot dan tulang rangka (Gotrak) akibat kerja di industri manufaktur PT Croda Indonesia tahun 2022. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara faktor individu, faktor pekerjaan, dan keluhan Gotrak, dilakukan pada buan Februari ? Mei 2022 dengan menggunakan kuesioner SNI 9901;2011, RULA, REBA, dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari penelitian sebelumnya. Desain studi cross-sectional dengan melibatkan seluruh pekerja sebanyak 58 orang. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 41% pekerja memiliki tingkat risiko Gotrak sedang, dengan keluhan paling banyak dirasakan berturut-turut pada bagian leher (52%), punggung bawah (45%), dan punggung atas (43%). Terdapat hubungan antara faktor individu yaitu indeks massa tubuh, faktor kerja yaitu postur kerja, gerakan berulang, dan kejadian Gotrak. Pola hidup sehat utamanya menerapkan pola makan sehat, gizi seimbang dan menu bijak sesuai kondisi kesehatan dan pola kerja sehat utamanya postur tubuh tidak menyimpang dari garis tubuh, perlu ditingkatkan untuk meminimalisir keluhan Gotrak.
Population issues are still very complex. One of the real problems faced is population growth which is still relatively high. One part of population growth can not be separated from the number of children ever born. One of the factors thought to be related to the number of children ever born is economic status. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between economic status and the number of live births in women aged less than 45 years who are married whose reproductive period is still running and those aged 45-49 years who are married who have entered the end of their reproductive period. This research was conducted using a cross-sectional study design using data from the Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2017. This study found that in both age groups it was known that there was a significant relationship between economic status and the number of children ever born. It was also found that greater odds were found for very poor, poor, middle, and rich economic status compared to women whose economic status was very rich. Furthermore, it was found that in women aged less than 45 years, it was found that the variables of education, employment status, age at first marriage, contraceptive use, and preference for number of children were confounders between economic status and the number of children ever born. Meanwhile, for women aged 45-49 years, the variables of area of residence, employment status at the age of first marriage, contraceptive use, and preference for number of children become confounders between economic status and number of children ever born.