Stunting merupakan permasalahan serius yang dapat memberikan dampak jangka panjang kepada balita. Stunting pada anak adalah salah satu hambatan paling signifikan bagi perkembangan manusia, secara global mempengaruhi sekitar 162 juta anak di bawah usia 5 tahun. Saat ini provinsi Jawa Barat berada dalam kategori tinggi dalam permasalahan stunting. Berdasarkan Riskesdas tahun 2018, prevalensi bayi stunting di Kota Depok sebesar 23.8%. Di wilayah Puskesmas Depok Jaya masih terdapat bayi stunting dan gizi buruk. Berdasarkan data Bulan Penimbangan Balita (BPB) pada Februari 2022, ada sebanyak 34 balita stunting di Kelurahan Depok Jaya. Data ini menunjukkan angka yang lumayan tinggi untuk kasus stunting tingkat kelurahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan evaluasi mengenai pelaksanaan strategi promosi kesehatan dalam penanganan stunting pada masa pandemi berdasarkan sudut pandang penerima program yakni ibu balita stunting. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan wawancara mendalam kepada 3 ibu balita stunting sebagai informan utama, 3 kader sebagai informan pendukung, dan 1 ahli gizi selaku penanggung jawab program sebagai informan kunci. Kerangka konsep yang digunakan ialah Logic Model untuk melihat berbagai aspek, mulai dari sumber daya yang digunakan, proses keberlangsungannya, hasil, sampai dampak jangka panjang dari program. Hasil yang didapatkan dari sisi input, pengelola program sudah diterima dengan baik oleh ibu balita stunting, serta kebijakan pemerintah belum dipahami. Dari sisi aktivitas, program sudah tersampaikan dengan baik melalui kader dan WhatsApp, dukungan sosial juga sudah diberikan dengan baik, tetapi intervensi dan pemberdayaan belum berjalan maksimal. Dari sisi output, seluruh balita yang terdata stunting sudah mendapatkan penanganan serta ibu balita stunting sudah mendapatkan dukungan sosial yang baik, tetapi intervensi belum berjalan maksimal. Dari sisi outcome, terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku positif ibu balita stunting terkait penanganan stunting pada anaknya, tetapi masih ada ibu balita stunting yang merasa tidak penting akan hal tersebut. Perlu adanya rencana rutin untuk pengadaan intervensi dan pemberdayaan, serta keberlanjutan dari program Ocan Bananas.
Stunting is a serious problem that can have a long-term impact on under five years children. Child stunting is one of the most significant barriers to human development, affecting an estimated 162 million children under five years. Currently, West Java province is in the high category of stunting problems. Based on Riskesdas 2018, the prevalence of stunting in Depok City was 23.8%. In the Depok Jaya Health Center area, there are still stunted and malnourished babies. Based on data from the Under five years children Weighing Month (BPB) in February 2022, there were 34 stunting under-five years children in Depok Jaya Village. This data shows a high number of stunting cases at the sub-district level. This study aims to obtain an evaluation of the implementation of health promotion strategies in handling stunting during the pandemic based on the perspective of the program recipients, namely mothers of under five years of stunting children. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with in-depth interviews with three mothers of stunting in under five years of children as the primary informants, three cadres as supporting informants, and one nutritionist as the person in charge of the program as key informants. The conceptual framework used was the Logic Model to see various aspects, ranging from the resources used, the process of sustainability, and results, to the long-term impact of the program. The results obtained in terms of input, program managers had been well-received by mothers of under five years stunting children, and government policies had not been understood. In terms of activities, the program had been delivered well through cadres and WhatsApp, and social support had also been provided well, but intervention and empowerment had not run optimally. In terms of output, all under five years children who are recorded as stunting received treatment, and mothers of under five years stunting children had received good social support, but the intervention had not run optimally. In terms of outcomes, there was an increase in knowledge, attitudes, and positive behaviors about mothers of under five years stunting children related to handling stunting in their children. However, there were mothers of under five years stunting children who feel unimportant about this. There needs to be a regular plan for the implementation, both interventions and empowerment, as well as the sustainability of the Ocan Bananas program.