Diabetes menempati posisi ke-4 penyebab kematian global dengan total 1,5 juta kematian (2019). Total penderita DM dunia tahun 2021 mencapai 537 juta jiwa yang diprediksi akan terus meningkat hingga tahun 2045 sebanyak 784 juta jiwa. Indonesia dalam wilayah Western Pacific menempati urutan kedua prevalensi tertinggi, dengan total 19,47 juta jiwa pengidap DM (2021). Komplikasi DM menyebabkan mikro-makrovaskular, gagal ginjal hingga kematian, terlebih komorbid DM akan berisiko memperburuk keadaan COVID-19. Upaya pengontrolan risiko perburukan diabetes dapat dilakukan melalui diabetes self-management (DSM), manajemen mandiri penderita DM untuk mengontrol pola hidup demi mencegah risiko komplikasi diabetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor determinan penerapan DSM, dan efektivitas klinis dan non klinis yang dilakukan secara systematic review dan meta-analysis, menggunakan database Medline (via PubMed), dan Embase. Hasil menunjukan penerapan DSM memberikan efektivitas klinis berupa penurunan tekanan darah, HbA1c, glukosa darah puasa, serta efektivitas non klinis pada kepatuhan diet, medikasi, perawatan luka kaki, PGDM, dan mencegah gangguan depresi. Faktor determinan penerapan DSM diantaranya sosio-demografi, tingkat pengetahuan, lama mengidap DM, akses layanan, dan dukungan untuk penderita DM. DSM akan maksimal melalui pemberian DSME dan health coaching serta penggunaan telemonitoring dan telekonsultasi untuk mengontrol kadar glikemik, serum lipid, dan kepatuhan dalam menerapkan DSM
Diabetes is the 4th leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 1.5 million deaths in 2019. The total number of diabetics worldwide in 2021 will be 537 million, with the number expected to rise to 784 million by 2045. Indonesia in the Western Pacific region ranks 2nd in the highest prevalence, with a total of 19.47 million people with DM (2021). Diabetes complications cause micro-macrovascular and kidney failure and also worsen COVID-19 conditions. Diabetes self-management (DSM), the self-management of DM sufferers to control their lifestyle to prevent the risk of diabetes complications, can help to control the risk of worsening diabetes. This study aims to look at the determinants of DSM implementation, and clinical and non-clinical effectiveness by means of a systematic review and meta-analysis, using database from Medline (via PubMed), and Embase. The results show that the DSM implementation provides clinical effectiveness in the form of reducing blood pressure, HbA1c, and fasting blood glucose, non-clinical effectiveness in dietary compliance, medication, foot wound care, PGDM, and preventing depressive disorders. The determinants of DSM implementation include socio-demographics, level of knowledge, length of time with DM, access to services, and support for DM sufferers. DSM will be maximized through the provision of DSME and health coaching, using telemonitoring and teleconsultation to control glycemic and serum lipid levels and patient compliance in carrying out DSM activities