Seiring peranan penting konstruksi dalam perekonomian dan berkembangnya sektor Jasa Konstruksi yang semakin kompleks dan tingginya tingkat persaingan layanan Jasa Konstruksi baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional, seringkali perusahaan konstruksi menuntut pekerja bekerja secara maksimal sehingga seringkali kesehatannya terabaikan. Hal ini dapat berdampak pada kesehatan pekerja, seperti kelelahan kerja, yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian ini ingin mengkaji hubungan antara kelelahan kerja dengan faktor diluar pekerjaan dan faktor pekerjaan tepada pekerja konstruksi di PT. X tahun 2022. Data mengenai faktor-faktor diluar pekerjaan (usia, status gizi/IMT, dan masa kerja), dan faktor-faktor pekerjaan (durasi kerja, beban kerja, dan suhu lingkungan kerja) terhadap terjadinya kelelahan pada pekerja proyek PT. X diteliti menggunakan kuesioner kepada 103 responden. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian analitik semi-kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Pengumpulan data hasil kuesioner dianalisis untuk melihat gambaran kelelahan kerja dan menguji hubungan pada dua variabel menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Dari hasil penelitian, 33% mengalami kelelahan kerja sedang dan 67% responden mengalami kelelahan kerja rendah. Dari analisis uji diferensial, terdapat hubungan antara status gizi (IMT) pekerja, durasi kerja dan beban kerja (p 0,000) terhadap kejadian kelelahan kerja pada pekerja di proyek PT. X tahun 2022. Sedangkan faktor usia (p 0.426), masa kerja (p 0.412) dan suhu lingkungan kerja (p 1,000) tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kelelahan kerja pada pekerja. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa beberapa variabel tersebut berhubungan dengan kejadian kelelahan kerja yang dialami pekerja konstruksi di PT. X. Rekomendasi terkait fatigue management perlu dilakukan baik dari PT. X maupun pekerja guna meminimalisir dan mengendalikan kelelahan kerja serta meningkatkan produktifitas kerja di tempat kerja
Along with the important role of construction in the economy and the development of the Construction Services sector which is increasingly complex and the high level of competition in Construction Services services both at the national and international levels, construction companies often demand workers to work optimally so that their health is often neglected. This can have an impact on the health of workers, such as fatigue, which can lead to work accidents. This study wants to examine the relationship between work fatigue and factors outside of work and work factors for construction workers at PT. X year 2022. Data on nonwork-related factors (age, nutritional status/BMI, and years of service), and work-related factors (work duration, workload, and work environment temperature) on the occurrence of fatigue among project workers at PT. X was examined using a questionnaire to 103 respondents. The research design is a semi-quantitative analytic with a cross sectional study approach. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire and analysis was carried out to see a description of work fatigue and to test the relationship between the two variables using the Chi-Square test. From the results of the study, 33% experienced moderate fatigue and 67% of respondents experienced low fatigue. From the differential analysis, there is a relationship between the nutritional status (BMI) of workers, duration of work and workload (p 0.000) on the occurence of fatigue in workers at the PT. X in 2022. Meanwhile, the factors of age (p 0.426), years of service (p 0.412) and working environment temperature (p 1.000) are not related to the occurence of fatigue in workers. The conclusion from this study is that some variables are related to the incidence of work fatigue experienced by construction workers at PT. X. Recommendations regarding fatigue management need to be implemented from both PT. X and workers to minimize and control fatigue as well as to increase work productivity at work.