"Penelitian pengembangan rancang bangun prototipe sistem informasi partisipasi masyarakat dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan penularan Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) bertujuan dapat menyajikan data dan informasi pada tingkat kelurahan atau pemerintahan desa mengenai kesiapsiagaan mitigasi munculnya kasus Covid-19. Dengan situasi status pandemi Covid-19 belum berakhir sehingga perjuangan pencegahan dan penanggulangan penularan Covid-19 harus terus dilakukan. Semangat gotong royong dengan kebersamaan dari semua kalangan dan semua wilayah di Indonesia menjadi modal untuk mengakhiri pandemi Covid-19. Kebijakan pemerintah yang fleksibel berdasarkan perkembangan kasus Covid-19 yang bertujuan untuk menekan kasus Covid-19 mendorong pelibatan partisipasi masyarakat pada tingkat individu dan masyarakat untuk melakukan upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan penularan Covid-19. Wujud upaya partisipasi masyarakat yaitu kesiapsiagaan pada tingkat kelurahan atau pemerintahan desa dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan penularan Covid-19 merupakan upaya mitigasi munculnya kasus Covid-19. Rancang bangun prototipe sistem informasi partisipasi masyarakat dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan penularan Covid-19 menyediakan data dan informasi sebagai evidance bases aspek determinan kesehatan yang dapat memberikan gambaran tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam kesiapsiagaan pada tingkat kelurahan atau pemerintahan desa menjadi pelengkap tersedianya data dan informasi secara utuh dan kompherensif untuk dasar melakukan pemantau dan evaluasi dengan data layanan kesehatan yaitu data kasus Covid-19. Pada rancang bangun prototipe sistem informasi tersebut, kejadian kasus Covid-19 dapat dianalisa berdasarkan distribusi dan sebaran kesiapsiagaan upaya partisipasi masyarakat pada tingkat kelurahan/desa. Rancang bangun prototipe sistem informasi partisipasi masyarakat dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan penularan Covid-19 dapat menjadi acuan pengembangan sistem informasi mengukur partisipasi masyarakat pada kondisi kegawatdaruratan.
The research on the development of the design of an information system prototype for community participation in the prevention and control of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) transmission aims to provide data and information at the urban village or village level regarding preparedness to mitigate the emergence of the Covid-19 case. With the status of the Covid-19 pandemic that has not ended yet, the struggle to prevent and control the transmission of Covid-19 must continue. The spirit of mutual cooperation with togetherness from all levels of society in all regions in Indonesia is the capital to end the Covid-19 pandemic. A flexible government policy based on the development of the Covid-19 case aims to suppress the Covid-19 case by encouraging the involvement of the community at the individual and society levels to make efforts to prevent and control the transmission of Covid-19. The form of community participation efforts is preparedness at the urban village or village level in preventing and controlling the transmission of Covid-19 as a mitigation of the emergence of Covid-19 cases. The design of a prototype information system for community participation in the prevention and control of the transmission of Covid-19 is to provide data and information as evidence bases on aspects of health determinants that can provide an overview of the level of community participation in preparedness at the sub-district or village level to complete the availability of data and information as a whole and comprehensive as a basis for conducting monitoring and evaluation which is juxtaposed with health service data, namely data on Covid-19 cases. In the design of the information system prototype, the incidence of Covid-19 cases can be analyzed based on the distribution and spread of preparedness efforts for community participation at the urban village or village level. The design of the information system prototype for public participation in the prevention and control of the transmission of Covid-19 can be used as a reference for the development of an information system to measure community participation in emergency situations.