Tenaga kesehatan berada pada garis terdepan yang menangani Covid-19 dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan untuk menanggulangi lonjakan kasus Covid-19 sehingga resiko paparan Covid-19 yang diterima jauh lebih besar daripada tenaga pelayanan umum lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan beban kerja dengan penularan covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan menggunakan data primer kuisioner dalam bentuk google form sebanyak 136 responden, Chi Square dan Cox Regression digunakan sebagai uji statistik pada penelitian ini . Sampel merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang bekerja di Rumah Sakit Umum Kabupaten Tangerang dengan kriteria inklusi masa kerja minimal satu tahun, tidak pernah terinfeksi covid-19 pada saat penelitian ini dilakukan , berusia 20 tahun keatas. Hasil menunjukkan proporsi tenaga kesehatan yang terinfeksi Covid-19 dengan beban kerja berlebihan sebesar 91,2 % .Besar asosiasi beban kerja dengan penularan covid-19 sebesar aPOR 1,192 kali [aPOR 1,192 (95% CI 0,824? 1,723)] tanpa dikontrol variabel confounding, dikarenakan tidak terdapat variabel yang confounding. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa beban kerja tidak memberikan efek yang signifikan terhadap penularan covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan. Namun ,upaya dalam menurunkan penularan covid-19 pada tenaga kesehatan masih sangat dibutuhkan, salah satunya dengan memperkuat screening penerimaan pasien yang akan dirawat , mengevaluasi rasio antara jumlah pasien dengan ketersediaan tenaga kesehatan dan melakukan rotasi unit kerja untuk pemenuhan kapasitas tenaga kesehatan apabila diperlukan.
Health workers are at the forefront of handling Covid-19 in providing health services to overcome the surge in Covid-19 cases so that the risk of exposure to Covid-19 received is much greater than other public service workers. Because the risk is higher for infections, serious diseases, and even death, it will affect the service system in health care facilities if it is not adequately protected and it is feared that if cases of Covid-19 exposure to health workers will increase the surge in Covid-19 cases. Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases, it has a very big influence on hospitals, which in general where health workers work to provide health services with the aim of creating a sense of security and comfort to patients, it is hoped that they can consider all efforts and aspects in reducing the risk factors for transmission of Covid-19. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between workload and covid-19 transmission in health workers. The design of this study is cross sectional using questionnaire primary data in the form of google form. The sample was a health worker who worked at the Tangerang Regency General Hospital with a work period of at least one year, had never been infected with covid-19 at the time this study was conducted, aged 20 years and above. The results showed the proportion of health workers infected with covid-19 with excessive workload of 91.2%. The magnitude of the workload association with covid-19 transmission was 9.979 times aPOR (95% CI 1,998-49.84 and p-value 0.005) after controlled confounding and covariate variables. It can be concluded that workload has a significant effect on the transmission of covid-19 in health workers. Efforts to reduce the transmission of covid-19 to health workers are still very much needed, one of which is by strengthening screening the admission of patients to be treated, evaluating the ratio between the number of patients and the availability of health workers and rotating work units to fulfill the capacity of health workers if needed.