Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko stres kerja pada pekerja kesehatan di remote site. Peneliti melakukan studi potong lintang pada Januari-Juni 2023 dengan melibatkan 103 responden dari berbagai industri. Peneliti menggunakan instrumen penelitian COPSOQ III untuk mengukur stres kerja dan faktor risikonya. Pada 103 responden industri Oil & Gas, pertambangan, dan konstruksi menunjukkan usia, durasi shift, dan lama kerja tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan stres kerja. Namun, jenis industri dan jenis kelamin memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan jenis stres tertentu. Pekerja kontrak lebih cenderung mengalami stres kerja, burnout, dan stres kognitif. Faktor risiko psikososial seperti tuntutan pekerjaan, konflik peran, kecepatan kerja, dan tuntutan emosional juga berhubungan dengan stres kerja. Tuntutan pekerjaan, kecepatan kerja, dan konflik peran mempengaruhi skor stres kerja, menjelaskan 26,5% variasi skor stres. Pekerja pelayanan kesehatan di remote site PT. X mengalami stres kerja yang signifikan, dipengaruhi oleh faktor seperti beban kerja, kecepatan kerja, dan konflik peran. Berdasarkan temuan ini, disarankan agar ada penyesuaian beban kerja, fleksibilitas shift kerja, dukungan sosial, serta kejelasan peran dan penghargaan untuk mengurangi stres kerja. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk memahami dan menangani stres kerja di kalangan pekerja pelayanan kesehatan, khususnya di remote site.
This study aims to analyze the risk factors of occupational stress among healthcare workers in remote sites. The researchers conducted a cross-sectional study in January-June 2023 involving 103 respondents from various industries. The COPSOQ III research instrument was used to measure occupational stress and its risk factors. Out of the 103 respondents in the Oil & Gas, mining, and construction industries, it was observed that age, shift duration, and length of service were not significantly related to occupational stress. However, the type of industry and gender were significantly related to certain types of stress. Contract workers were more likely to experience occupational stress, burnout, and cognitive stress. Psychosocial risk factors such as job demands, role conflicts, work pace, and emotional demands were also associated with occupational stress. Job demands, work pace, and role conflicts influenced occupational stress scores, explaining 26.5% of the stress score variation. Healthcare workers in remote sites at PT. X experienced significant occupational stress, influenced by factors such as workload, work pace, and role conflicts. Based on these findings, it is suggested that adjustments be made to workload, shift flexibility, social support, as well as role clarity and rewards to reduce occupational stress. Further research is needed to understand and address occupational stress among healthcare workers, especially in remote sites.