Karsinogen merupakan efek toksik yang mengarah pada terjadinya peristiwa karsinogenesis hingga timbul kanker. Tingginya angka penggunaan bahan kimia di industri yang terbukti karsinogenik bagi manusia tentunya akan berpotensi memunculkan dampak negatif kepada kesehatan pekerja. Peraturan Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB) di Indonesia dibuat sebagai upaya melindung kesehatan pekerja. Namun di Indonesia terdapat dua standar mandatori, dimana keberadaan lebih dari satu standar di Indonesia menyulitkan perusahaan dalam hal pemenuhannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perbandingan Nilai Ambang Batas bahan kimia yang bersifat karsinogen dan klasifikasi karsinogen. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah peraturan Nilai Ambang Batas Kimia di Indonesia yaitu Permenaker 5 tahun 2018 dan Permenker 70 tahun 2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pada perbandingan antara dua peraturan terdapat 2 bahan kimia yang memiliki notasi klasifikasi karsinogen berbeda yaitu Chromium metal and insol. salts (sebagai Cr) pada Peremenaker (A4) dan pada Permenkes (A1) serta didapatkan substansi kimia Diazomethane pada Peremenaker notasi (A2) namun tidak diatur di Permenkes. Terdapat 6 substansi kimia yang memiliki konsentrasi NAB yang berbeda diantaranya adalah benzotrichloride (tidak diatur dalam Permenaker dan Permenkes NAB-STEL 0.1 mg/m3), Benzo (a) pyrene (tidak diatur dalam Permenaker dan Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.2 mg/m3), beryllium and beryllium compounds as be (Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.00005 mg/m3 dan Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.002 mg/m3), Formaldehyde (Permenkes NAB-STEL 0.3 ppm dan Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.5 ppm), Silica crytaline - alpha quartz and cristobalite (Permenkes NAB-STEL 0.025 mg/m3 dan Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.1 mg/m3).
Carcinogens are toxic effects that lead to carcinogenic events leading to cancer. The high rate of use of chemicals in industry that are proven to be carcinogenic to humans will certainly have the potential to have a negative impact on the health of workers. Threshold Value Regulations (NAV) in Indonesia were made as an effort to protect the health of workers. However, in Indonesia there are two mandatory standards, where the existence of more than one standard in Indonesia makes it difficult for companies to fulfill them. This study aims to examine the comparison of the Threshold Limit Values of chemicals that are carcinogens and the classification of carcinogens. The unit of analysis for this research is the regulation of Chemical Threshold Limit Values in Indonesia, namely Permenaker 5 of 2018 and Permenker 70 of 2016. This research was conducted using a descriptive method. In the comparison between the two regulations, there are 2 chemicals that have different carcinogen classification notations, namely Chromium metal and insol. salts (as Cr) in Peremenaker (A4) and in Permenkes (A1) and the chemical substance Diazomethane is found in Peremenaker notation (A2) but it is not regulated in Permenkes. There are 6 chemical substances that have different NAB concentrations including benzotrichloride (not regulated in the Permenaker and Permenkes NAB-STEL 0.1 mg/m3), Benzo (a) pyrene (not regulated in the Permenaker and Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.2 mg/m3), beryllium and beryllium compounds as be (Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.00005 mg/m3 and Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.002 mg/m3), Formaldehyde (Permenkes NAB-STEL 0.3 ppm and Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.5 ppm), Silica crytaline - alpha quartz and cristobalite (Permenkes NAB-STEL 0.025 mg/m3 and Permenkes NAB-TWA 0.1 mg/m3).