Peningkatan kepesertaan PBI APBD Kota Tangerang rata-rata per tahun sebesar 8,85% berdampak pada peningkatan jumlah anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk membiayai iuran JKN setiap tahunnya. Sedangkan kepesertaan mandiri sejak tahun 2017 – 2022 rata-rata mengalami penurunan sebesar 0,7% per tahun. Anggaran yang dikeluarkan Pemda Kota Tangerang untuk membiayai iuran JKN peserta PBI APBD Kota Tangerang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan anggaran untuk program UKM. Tujuan: mengetahui besaran ATP dan WTP iuran JKN serta variabel yang mempengaruhi. Metode: menggunakan desain studi cross sectional melalui pendekatan kuantitatif, sampel sebanyak 400 orang peserta PBI yang dipilih secara random accidental. Pengambilan data dilakukan di 2 rumah sakit pada bulan Juni 2023 menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil: Rata-rata ATP sebesar Rp 54.904. Rata-rata WTP sebesar Rp 49.464. ATP > Rp 35.000 sebesar 61,25%. WTP > Rp 35.000 sebesar 69%, < Rp 35.000 sebesar 10%, dan Rp 0 sebesar 21%. Dari 61,25% yang memiliki ATP > Rp 35.000 didapati 72,24% WTP > Rp 35.000. Analisis multivariat ATP: Variabel signifikan adalah jenis kelamin, jumlah anggota keluarga, pendapatan, pengeluaran pangan, pengeluaran non pangan. Variabel dominan adalah pengeluaran non pangan. Analisis multivariat WTP: Variabel signifikan adalah jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan. Variabel dominan adalah pendidikan.
The increase in PBI membership in the Tangerang City APBD by an average of 8.85% per year has an impact on increasing the amount of the budget needed to finance JKN contributions each year. Meanwhile, independent membership from 2017 – 2022 has decreased by an average of 0.7% per year. The budget issued by the Regional Government of Tangerang City to finance JKN contributions for PBI participants in the Tangerang City APBD is much larger than the budget for the UKM program Objective: find out the amount of ATP and WTP JKN contributions and the influencing variables. Methods: this study used a cross-sectional study design through a quantitative approach with a sample of 400 PBI participants who were selected incidentally randomly. Data collection was carried out in 2 hospitals in June 2023 using a questionnaire instrument. Results: The average ATP IDR 54,904. The average WTP is IDR 49,464. ATP > IDR 35,000 are 61.25%. WTP > IDR 35,000 are 69%, < IDR 35,000 are 10%, and IDR 0 are 21%. Of the 61.25% who had ATP > IDR 35,000, 72.24% found WTP > IDR 35,000, 9.80% WTP < IDR 35,000, and 17.96% did not want to pay. Results of ATP multivariate analysis: Variables that were significantly related were gender, number of family members, income, food expenditure and non-food expenditure. The dominant variable is non-food expenditure. Results of multivariate analysis of WTP: Variables that are significantly related are gender, education, occupation and income. The dominant variable is education