Perempuan disabilitas merupakan kelompok yang rentan untuk mengalami kekerasan seksual akibat kondisi disabilitas dan stigma di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stigma dan coping strategy perempuan disabilitas penyintas kekerasan seksual di ranah personal dengan menggunakan Transactional Stress and Coping Model Lazarus & Folkman (1984) di HWDI Jakarta tahun 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, desain studi kasus pada 4 orang perempuan disabilitas penyintas kekerasan seksual dan 8 informan kunci dari keluarga penyintas, Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta, UPT Pusat Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak DKI Jakarta serta konselor HWDI Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Juli 2023 dan dianalisis secara konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas penyintas merasa tidak berdaya, tidak berharga, tidak percaya diri, menarik diri dari lingkungan hingga berpikir untuk bunuh diri. Meski telah mengantisipasi stigma dengan menyembunyikan kekerasan seksual yang dialami, semua penyintas tetap menerima stigma hingga diskriminasi karena kekerasan dan kondisi disabilitas yang dialami. Mayoritas penyintas mendapatkan dukungan keluarga dan komunitas. Pada jenis problem-foused coping, umumnya penyintas mencari bantuan ke keluarga dan/atau profesional, sedangkan emotion-focused coping, mayoritas penyintas berolahraga dan beribadah untuk mengelola emosi, hanya sebagian penyintas mengembangkan humor dan pemaknaan positif. Untuk itu, pemerintah perlu melakukan sosialisasi kepada lembaga yang menangani kasus kekerasan terkait kebijakan dan hak disabilitas, cara pelaporan dan penanganan kasus. Sosialisasi kepada masyarakat terkait stigma dan kekerasan seksual diperlukan untuk melindungi dan memenuhi hak perempuan disabilitas.
Women with disabilities are one amongst the groups who are vulnerable to become the target of sexual violence due to their condition and stigma from the public. This research aims to uncover the stigma and coping strategy of women with disabilities who survived personal sexual violence using the Transactional Stress and Coping Model proposed by Lazarus & Folkman (1984) at Indonesian Women with Disabilities Organization (HWDI) Jakarta in 2023. This research uses a qualitative approach with a study case design on 4 women with disabilities who survived sexual violence and 8 key informants which consists of the survivors' families, Jakarta Health Agency, Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Women and Children Protection Centre in Jakarta as well as the counselor of HWDI Jakarta. The data are collected through in-depth interview which was conducted in May-July 2023 and are being analyzed using content analysis. The result shows that the majority of the survivors feel a sense of helplessness, unworthiness, lack of self confidence, forfeit themselves from the society to the extent of even having suicidal thoughts. Even after anticipating the stigma by hiding the sexual violence they have experienced, all of the survivors still received the stigma and discrimination due to the violence and disability condition that they are in. The majority of the survivors received support from their families and community. On the problem-focused coping type, the survivors are generally seeking help to their families and/or professionals, while on the emotion-focused coping, the majority of the survivors do exercises and pray to process their emotions, only a number of survivors develop a sense of humor and positive mindset. Therefore, the government needs to provide and hold socialization to agencies that handle violence concerning the policy and the rights of people with disabilities, how to report and handle cases regarding the issue. Socialization to the public about stigma and sexual violence is also urgent in order to protect and fulfill the rights of women with disabilities