Balita menjadi salah satu kelompok usia paling rentan mengalamai permasalahan gizi. Salah satu upaya penanggulangan masalah gizi melalui pemberian makanan tambahan makanan. Intervensi melalui Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) berbasis pangan lokal dan Pemberian Pangan Olahan Diet Khusus (PDK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cost, outcome berupa kenaikan berat badan balita, cost and outcome analysis, serta mengindentifkasi faktor yang berpotensi mempengaruhi kenaikan berat badan balita. Desain penelitian menggunakan cross-sectional study dengan perspektif penyedia layanan kesehatan. Data dikumpulkan mulai Februari hingga Juli 2023. Hasil perhitungan total cost/anak untuk Pemberian PDK sebesar Rp. 236.250,- dan PMT Berbasis pangan lokal sebesar Rp.231.000.-. Baik secara persentase maupun hasil uji statistik pemberian PDK maupun PMT berbasis pangan lokal terbukti dapat menaikkan berat badan balita. Hasil cost and outcome analysis tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan yang mencolok pada pemberian PDK dan PMT berbasis pangan lokal. Hasil uji penyakit penyerta (ISPA, diare dan TB Paru) dan akses sanitasi (kepemilikan jamban dan jarak sumber air dengan tempat pembuangan limbah) tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kenaikan berat badan balita. Penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu baseline dalam keberlanjutan program baik dari sisi anggaran, jenis intervensi, lokus pemilihan intervensi dan nantinya bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif adopsi intervensi di tingkat keluarga.
Childs are one of the most vulnerable age groups to nutritional problems. One of the efforts to overcome nutritional problems is through the provision of additional food. Intervention through local food-based supplementary feeding (PMT) and special diet processed food (PDK). This study aims to determine the cost, outcome in the form of toddler weight gain, cost and outcome analysis, and to identify factors that have the potential to influence toddler weight gain. The research design used a cross-sectional study with a health care provider perspective. Data were collected from February to July 2023. The results of the calculation of total cost / child for PDK provision amounted to Rp. 236,250, - and PMT based on local food amounted to Rp. 231,000. Both the percentage and statistical test results of the provision of PDK and local food-based PMT are proven to increase the body weight of toddlers. The results of the cost and outcome analysis did not show a significant difference in the provision of PDK and local food-based PMT. Comorbidities (ISPA, diarrhea and pulmonary tuberculosis) and access to sanitation (ownership of latrines and distance from water sources to waste disposal sites) did not have a significant relationship with weight gain. This study is expected to be one of the baselines in the sustainability of the program both in terms of budget, type of intervention, locus of intervention selection and later can be an alternative intervention adoption at the family level.