Industri pertambangan dipandang sebagai kategori industry dengan risiko tinggi. Jenis kecelakaan tambang lost time injury dan fatality merupakan kecelakaan dengan dampak major terhadap Grup Perusahaan X. Meskipun telah memiliki pedoman teknis pelaporan dan investigasi insiden serta dilakukan tindakan perbaikan, kecelakaan masih terus terjadi. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tren penyebab kecelakaan tambang dan kelemahan sistem pertahanan berdasarkan konsep Human Factors Analysis Classification System in Mining Industry (HFACS-MI) di Grup Perusahaan X tahun 2021-2022. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan semi kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelemahan sistem pertahanan active faiure yang sering ditemukan adalah tingkat unsafe acts kategori skill-based error. Sedangkan kelemahan sistem pertahanan latent failure yang sering ditemukan adalah tingkat unsafe leadership kategori inadequate leadership. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa masih banyak kelemahan pada sistem pertahanan active dan latent failure sehingga pencegahan kecelakaan masih belum optimal. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perbaikan di setiap tingkat sistem pertahanan, baik yang ditargetkan kepada individu maupun organisasi, agar kecelakaan dapat dicegah dan risiko kecelakaan dapat dikendalikan
The mining industry has been viewed as a high-risk industry. Types of mining accidents, such as lost time injuries and fatalities, have a significant impact at both the individual and organizational levels. Despite Group Company X having technical guidelines for incident reporting and conducting investigations with corrective actions, accidents continue to occur. Therefore, this study aims to identify trends in the causal factors of mining accidents and find weaknesses in defense systems based on the Human Factors Analysis Classification System in the Mining Industry (HFACS-MI) method. This research method uses an analytical descriptive approach with a semi-quantitative method. The results show that the most common weakness in the active failure defense system is the occurrence of unsafe acts in the skill-based error category. Additionally, the most common weakness in the latent failure defense system is inadequate leadership in the leadership category. The study concludes that there are still numerous weaknesses in the active and latent failure defense systems, which hinder optimal accident prevention. Improvements need to be made at all levels of the defense system, targeting both individuals and organizations, to prevent accidents and effectively control the risk of accidents.