Service time merupakan salah satu indikator mutu pelayanan IGD RS termasuk di IGD RS St. Carolus Summarecon Serpong, dengan pencapaian service time ≤ 3 jam 74,3% dari target > 90% total pasien rawat inap dari IGD. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain operational research dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif serta teknik probability sampling dalam pengambilan sampel sejumlah 32 pasien IGD. Hasil penelitian dengan pendekatan lean six sigma berhasil mengidentifikasi waste waiting pada tahap transfer pasien IGD ke ruang rawat inap sebagai penyebab akar masalah, menurunkan lead time dari 4 jam 14 menit menjadi 2 jam 39 menit 2 detik (↓ 37,4%) pada tahap post intervensi dan menjadi 2 jam 19 menit 46 detik (↓ 12,1%) pada tahap control; menurunkan aktivitas non value-added dari 1 jam 38 menit 19 detik menjadi 32 menit 22 detik (↓ 67,1%) pada tahap post intervensi dan menjadi 25 menit 23 detik (↓ 21,6%) pada tahap control serta berhasil mengeliminasi waste transport dan menurunkan waktu waste waiting. Kombinasi berbagai tools lean six sigma dalam penelitian ini (heijunka, standardized work, 5 S, Single Exchange Minutes of Dies, dan visual management) mampu menurunkan lead time sebesar 55% pada tahap control, apabila dibandingkan dengan intervensi menggunakan satu tools saja.
Service time is an indicator of the quality of hospital ER services, including at St. Carolus Summarecon Serpong Hospital, by achieving service time ≤ 3 hours 74,3% of the target > 90% of the total inpatients from the ER. This study used an operational research design with quantitative and qualitative methods as well as probability sampling techniques in taking a sample of 32 ER patients. The results of this study using the lean six sigma approach succeeded in identifying waste waiting at the transfer stage of ER patients to the inpatients room as the root cause of the problem, reducing lead time from 4 hours 14 minutes to 2 hours 39 minutes 2 seconds (↓ 37,4%) in the post stage intervention and became 2 hours 19 minutes 46 seconds (↓ 12,1%) in the control stage; reduced non value-added activities from 1 hour 38 minutes 19 seconds to 32 minutes 22 seconds (↓ 67,1%) in the post intervention stage and became 25 minutes 23 seconds in the control stage; succeeded in eliminating transport waste and reduce waste waiting time. The combination of various lean six sigma tools in this study (heijunka, standardized work, Single Exchange Minutes of Dies, and visual management) was able to reduce lead time by 55% in the control stage, compared with intervention using just one tool.