Identifikasi awal pasien berisiko tinggi dari hasil pemeriksaan klinis yang kurang baik sangat diperlukan untuk menurunkan risiko mortalitas akibat COVID-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prediktor mortalitas pada pasien COVID-19 di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Studi kohort retrospektif ini dilakukan dengan cara mengambil 730 sampel pasien COVID-19 di rumah sakit rujukan COVID-19 terpilih (RSUD Pasar Minggu, RSUP Fatmawati, dan RSPAD Gatot Subroto). Analisis Survival Cox Regression digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan dan pengaruh variabel karakteristik umum pasien (usia, jenis kelamin, IMT, gejala COVID-19, komorbid, dan lama dirawat), pemeriksaan laboratorium pasien (D-Dimer, CRP, NLR, Hb, trombosit, dan leukosit), radiologi rontgen foto thoraks, saturasi oksigen (SpO2), serta response time terhadap mortalitas pasien COVID-19. Dihasilkan bahwa usia >58 tahun (RR 2,01 ; 1,20 – 3,52 95% CI), CRP >10 mg/dL (RR 1,98; 1,48 – 2,63 95% CI), D-Dimer >2500 ng/mL (RR 1,93; 1,10 – 3,17 95% CI), saturasi oksigen <95% (RR 1,84; 1,41 – 2,40 95% CI), response time <48 jam (RR 1,78; 1,38 – 2,29 95% CI), trombosit <150.000/mL (RR 1,78; 1,34 – 2,37 95% CI), dan leukosit ≥11.000/mL (RR 1,53; 1,21 – 1,94 95% CI) merupakan prediktor dari mortalitas pasien COVID-19. Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah Dashboard Matriks Indikator di Instalasi Gawat Darurat.
Early identification of high-risk patients from destitute clinical results is essential to lower the risk of mortality from COVID-19. The aim of this study is to find the predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients in the DKI province of Jakarta. A Cohort Retrospective study was conducted by taking 730 samples of COVID-19 patients at selected COVID-19 referral hospitals (RSUD Pasar Minggu, RSUP Fatmawati, dan RSPAD Gatot Subroto). Survival Cox Regression analysis used to determine the relationship and influence of general patient characteristic variables (age, gender, IMT, symptoms of COVID-19, comorbid, and length of stay), laboratory examination of patients (D-Dimer, CRP, NLR, Hb, thrombocyte, and leukocytes), photo-thorax x-rays, oxygen saturation (SpO2), and response time after adminission of COVID-19 patients. The result found that age >58 years (RR 2,01 ; 1,20 – 3,52 95% CI), CRP >10 mg/dL (RR 1,98; 1,48 – 2,63 95% CI), D-Dimer >2500 ng/mL (RR 1,93; 1,10 – 3,17 95% CI), oxygen saturation <95% (RR 1,84; 1,41 – 2,40 95% CI), response time <48 hours (RR 1,78; 1,38 – 2,29 95% CI), thrombocyte <150.000/mL (RR 1,78; 1,34 – 2,37 95% CI), dan leukocytes ≥11.000/mL (RR 1,53; 1,21 – 1,94 95% CI) are the predictors of the mortality of COVID-19 patients. The output of this study is the Indicator Matrix Dashboard in the Emergency Unit.