
Latar belakang. Jumlah Rujukan FKTP ke RSIA Kenari Graha Medika pasien BPJS Kesehatan masih mendapat proporsi kecil dibandingkan dengan rujukan ke FKRTL lain di wilayahnya. Kunjungan poli rawat jalan RSIA Kenari Graha Medika juga belum mencapai target kunjungan pertahun yaitu sebesar 46.080 kunjungan pasien poli rawat jalan dalam satu tahun. Guna meningkatkan kinerja rawat jalan, RSIA Kenari Graha Medika telah menjalin jejaring kerjasama dengan 84 FKTP di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor, namun belum diketahui ada tidaknya hubungan kepuasan kemitraan dengan WOMI. Metode. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 70 sampel dari popuasi semua FKTP yang menjalin kemitraan dengan RSIA Kenari Graha Medika. Enam variabel yang diteliti adalah 5 variabel framework Lui & Ngo, 2005 (yaitu asset specificity dan partner reputation, actions acquiescence, actions simplicity, dan actions reciprocity) dan 1 variabel Komitmen Pelayanan Rujuk Balik (PRB) kemudian dihubungkan dengan keminatan FKTP dalam memberikan rekomendasi (WOMI (Word of Mouth Intentions)) pada pasien. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat (deskriptif) dan multivariat dengan SEM PLS. Hasil. Dari analisais data didapatkan seluruh konstruk dinyatakan valid dan reliabel berdasarkan hasil perhitungan loading factor, AVE dan cornbach alpha. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan 3 variabel diterima yakni Action Acquiescence, Action Reciprocity, serta Action Simplicity, sedangkan 3 variabel lainnya ditolak yaitu, asset specificity, partner reputation, dan Komitmen PRB RS. Kesimpulan. Semakin tinggi dari Action Acquiescence, Action Reciprocity, dan Action Simplicity akan semakin tinggi pula WOMI FKTP yang bermitra dengan RSIA Kenari Graha Medika. Sedangkan tinggi rendahnya asset specificity, partner reputation, Komitmen PRB RS tidak berpengaruh pada WOMI.
Background. The number of First Level Health Facilities’s referrals to RSIA Kenari Graha Medika for BPJS Health patients still receives a small proportion compared to referrals to other First Level Health Facilities in the region. RSIA Kenari Graha Medika outpatient clinic visits have also not reached the annual visit target of 46,080 outpatient clinic patient visits in one year. In order to improve outpatient performance, RSIA Kenari Graha Medika has established a collaborative network with 84 First Level Health Facilities in the Bogor Regency area, but it is not yet known whether there is a relationship of satisfaction with WOMI. Method. Cross sectional research design with a sample size of 70 samples from the population of all First Level Health Facilities that have a partnership with RSIA Kenari Graha Medika. The six variables studied were 5 Lui & Ngo, 2005 framework variables (namely asset specificity and partner reputation, actions acquiescence, actions simplicity, and actions reciprocity) and 1 variable Reciprocity Service Commitment (PRB commitment) which was then linked to First Level Health Facilities’s interest in providing recommendations (WOMI (Word of Mouth Intentions)) in patients. Data analysis was carried out using univariate (descriptive) and multivariate analysis with SEM PLS. Results. From data analysis, it was found that all constructs were declared valid and reliable based on the results of loading factor, AVE and Cornbach alpha calculations. Hypothesis testing showed that 3 variables were accepted, namely Action Acquiescence, Action Reciprocity, and Action Simplicity, while 3 other variables were rejected. Conclusion. The higher the Action Acquiescence, Action Reciprocity, and Action Simplicity, the higher the First Level Health Facilities WOMI in partnership with RSIA Kenari Graha Medika. Meanwhile, high or low asset specificity, partner reputation, RS PRB Commitment have no effect on WOMI.