Pengembangan bahan baku obat dalam negeri mutlak diperlukan untuk mencapai kemandirian sektor farmasi Indonesia. Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan Inpres Nomor 6 Tahun 2016 guna mewujudkan hal tersebut dengan mendorong kerja sama lintas sektor. Namun demikian, hingga saat ini impor bahan baku obat masih sangat tinggi. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi Inpres tersebut, khususnya pelaksanaan tugas masing-masing Kementerian/Lembaga terkait. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan data hasil wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Inpres Nomor 6 Tahun 2016 dikatakan belum berhasil (unsuccessful implementation), masih terdapat kesenjangan antara tujuan dan capaian kebijakan. Dimensi kebijakan, pengoperasian, serta perencanaan implementasi dan sumber daya belum cukup baik dalam mendukung implementasi Inpres, meskipun dimensi lain, yaitu kepemimpinan, pemangku kepentingan, dan umpan balik sudah cukup baik. Selain itu, masih terdapat sejumlah dukungan kebijakan yang diperlukan industri farmasi dalam rangka pengembangan bahan baku obat. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya perbaikan pada dimensi-dimensi yang belum cukup baik dalam mendorong keberhasilan implementasi Inpres, peninjauan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yang telah dikeluarkan Kementerian/Lembaga terkait dan/atau penyusunan kebijakan baru yang diperlukan.
The development of local drug raw materials is urgently needed to achieve the independence of Indonesia's pharmaceutical sector. The government has issued Presidential Instruction No. 6/2016 to realize this by encouraging cross-sector collaborations. However, the import of drug raw materials is still very high. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the implementation of the Presidential Instruction, particularly the execution of each Ministry/Agency's responsibilities. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach by utilizing data from in-depth interviews and document review. The research showed that the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 6/2016 was unsuccessful; there is still a gap between policy objectives and achievements. The dimensions of policy, operations, and implementation planning and resources are not good enough to support the implementation of the Presidential Instruction, although the other dimensions such as leadership, stakeholders, and feedback are quite good. Other than that, there are several policy supports that the pharmaceutical industry still needed in order to develop drug raw materials. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the dimensions that are not good enough to encourage the successful implementation of the Presidential Instruction, review the policies that have been issued by related Ministries/Institutions and/or develop the new policies as needed.