Data ILO 2 juta pekerja meninggal per tahun. 2021 ada 234 ribu kecelakaan kerja di Indonesia. Industri kimia 12% dari2 019-2021 kecelakaan kerja 80.607 kasus.Program Behavior-based safety (BBS) yaitu pendekatan keselamatan berdasarkan perilaku manusia. Pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, keterlibatan, tanggung jawab karyawan menciptakan lingkungan kerja aman. program BBS di perusahaan apakah mampu meningkatkan tingkat kepatuhan karyawan, serta merubah perilaku keselamatan kerja. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif jenis studi cross sectional. Data yang dikumpulkan memberikan gambaran hubungan antara variabel. Desain penelitian cross-sectional digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai program Behavior Based Safety (BBS), tingkat kepatuhan terhadap perilaku keselamatan kerja, dan perilaku keselamatan kerja di PT. X pada satu titik waktu tertentu. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang diisi oleh respondenVariasi nilai tingkat kepatuhan mampu dijelaskan oleh variasi nilai program BBS sebesar 14,3%,sedangkan sisanya 85.7% dijelaskan oleh variasi variabel lain di luar model penelitian. Variasi nilai Perilaku keselamatan kerja karyawan mampu dijelaskan oleh variasi nilai Program BBS dan Tingkat kepatuhan sebesar 49.6%, sedangkan sisanya 50.4% dijelaskan oleh variasi variabel lain di luar model penelitian terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan Program BBS terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan. Ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara Program BBS terhadap Perilaku Keselamatan Kerja. Ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara Tingkat Kepatuhan terhadap Perilaku Keselamatan. Hubungan Program BBS terhadap Perilaku keselamatan kerja bersifat pengaruh langsung. Oleh karena itu, variabel intervening Tingkat Kepatuhan tidak memediasi hubungan Program BBS terhadap Perilaku Keselamatan Kerja.
According to ILO data, 2 million workers die per year. In 2021 there will be 234 thousand work accidents in Indonesia. Chemical industry 12% from 2019-2021 work accidents 80,607 cases. Behavior-based safety (BBS) program, namely a safety approach based on human behavior. An approach to increasing employee awareness, involvement, and responsibility creates a safe work environment. Whether the BBS program in the company is able to increase employee compliance levels and change work safety behavior. The research was carried out using quantitative research methods, a type of cross sectional study. The data collected provides an overview of the relationship between variables. A cross-sectional research design was used to collect data regarding the Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program, the level of compliance with work safety behavior, and work safety behavior at PT. X at a certain point in time. Data were collected through questionnaires filled out by respondents. Variations in compliance level values were able to be explained by variations in BBS program values of 14.3%, while the remaining 85.7% were explained by variations in other variables outside the research model. Variations in employee safety behavior values can be explained by variations in BBS Program values and compliance levels of 49.6%, while the remaining 50.4% are explained by variations in other variables outside the research model. There is a positive and significant relationship between the BBS Program and Compliance Levels. There is a positive and significant relationship between the BBS Program and Work Safety Behavior. There is a positive and significant relationship between the level of compliance and safety behavior. The relationship between the BBS Program and work safety behavior has a direct influence. Therefore, the intervening variable Compliance Level does not mediate the relationship between the BBS Program and Work Safety Behavior