Kepatuhan pengobatan ARV memiliki hubungan untuk menekan virus pada ODHIV. Akan tetapi, angka putus berobat atau Loss To Follow Up (LTFU) masih tinggi. Berdasarkan pencatatan kasus HIV di RSUD Koja, angka LTFU ODHIV dalam pengobatan tergolong besar yakni 22%. Hal ini hampir mendekati data nasional LTFU sebesar 25%. Berbagai faktor berperan besar pada kepatuhan pengobatan ARV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan pengobatan ARV pada ODHIV dewasa di RSUD Koja. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan pada 731 ODHIV dewasa. Diketahui proporsi kepatuhan pengobatan sebesar 59,6% dan ketidakpatuhan sebesar 40,4%. Determinan yang memiliki hubungan signifikan ada pada ODHIV yaitu rute transmisi dengan heteroseksual (OR = 0,322 95% CI: 0,168 – 0,619) dimana kelompok homoseksual menjadi kelompok protektif, tidak adanya infeksi oportunistik (OR = 2,694 95% CI: 1,952 – 3,719), dan paling dominan lama pengobatan < 1 tahun (OR = 4,179, 95% CI:1,448-12,063).
Adherence to ARV therapy is related to suppressing the virus in PLWHIV. However, the rate of dropping out of treatment or Loss To Follow Up (LTFU) is still high. Based on the recording of HIV cases at Koja Regional Hospital, the LTFU rate for PLHIV in therapy is relatively large, namely 22%. This is almost close to the national LTFU data of 25%. Various factors play a major role in ARV therapy adherence. This study aims to determine the factors that influence adherence to ARV therapy in adult PLHIV at Koja District Hospital. This study used a cross sectional design with 731 adult PLWHIV. It is known that the proportion of adherence was 59.6% and non-adherence was 40.4%. Determinants that have a significant relationship are in PLHIV, namely the sexual orientation from heterosexual orientation (OR = 0.322 95% CI: 0.168 – 0.619) where the homosexual group is a protective group, the absence of opportunistic infections (OR = 2.694 95% CI: 1.952 – 3.719), and the most dominant duration of treatment was < 1 year (OR = 4.179, 95% CI: 1.448-12.063).2024-01-30