Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Unit Pulo Gadung merupakan serangkaian kegiatan menguji dan/atau mengecek komponen kendaraan bermotor untuk memastikan pemenuhan persyaratan teknis dan kelaikan jalan. Oleh karena itu, pekerja di UP PKB Pulo Gadung berisiko mengalami kejadian tekenanan panas yang berpotensi keluhan kesehatan subjektif akibat panas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara kejadian tekanan panas melalui pengukuran real time monitoring heat index dengan keluhan kesehatan subjektif. Faktor – faktor risiko yang diteliti meliputi faktor kondisi lingkungan, faktor karakteristik pekerja dan faktor aktivitas pekerjaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain metode cross-sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat hasil pengembangan real time monitoring heat index. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 40 pekerja. Hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan antara kejadian tekanan panas dengan keluhan kesehatan subjektif (OR = 5,571) yang menunjukkan bahwa 20 pekerja outdoor seluruhnya mengalami kejadian tekanan panas, dengan 7 (35%) pekerja mempunyai keluhan ringan dan 13 (65%) pekerja lainnya mempunyai keluhan berat. Di sisi lain, seluruh pekerja indoor yang berjumlah 20 pekerja tidak mengalami kejadian tekanan panas, dengan 15 (75%) pekerja mempunyai keluhan ringan dan 5 (15%) pekerja lainnya mempunyai keluhan berat.
Vehicle Testing (PKB) Pulo Gadung Unit is a series of activities to test and/or check motor vehicle components to ensure the fulfillment of technical requirements and roadworthiness. Therefore, workers at UP PKB Pulo Gadung are at risk of experiencing heat stress events that have the potential for subjective health complaints due to heat. This study aims to see the relationship between the incidence of heat stress through the measurement of real time monitoring heat index with subjective health complaints. The risk factors studied include environmental condition factors, worker characteristics factors and work activity factors. This study is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional method design. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, observations, and environmental measurements using a tool developed from the real time monitoring heat index. The number of samples in this study was 40 workers. The results showed that there was a relationship between the incidence of heat stress and subjective health complaints (OR = 5.571) which showed that 20 outdoor workers all experienced heat stress, with 7 (35%) workers having mild complaints and 13 (65%) other workers having severe complaints. On the other hand, all 20 indoor workers did not experience heat stress, with 15 (75%) workers having mild complaints and 5 (15%) workers having severe complaints.