Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan asupan zat besi mahasiswi berdasarkan faktor konsumsi (konsumsi lauk hewani, konsumsi lauk nabati, konsumsi sayur-sayuran, konsumsi buah-buahan, konsumsi Ultra Processed Food) dan faktor individu (Sikap terhadap konsumsi daging merah, pengaruh sosial media, pengetahuan gizi, uang saku, jenis tempat tinggal). Desain dari penilitian ini adalah cross-sectional dengan 147 responden mahasiswi S1 Reguler Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Angkatan 2021, 2022, 2023. Pemilihan responden dilakukan berdasarkan simple random sampling dan pengambilan data adalah secara daring dengan Zoom. Pengerjaan kuesioner penelitian adalah menggunakan Google Form, dan Spreadsheet untuk Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode Uji T Independen. Hasil analisis univariat menemukan bahwa rata-rata asupan zat besi adalah 15.35±7.30 mg per hari dengan 70.1% mahasiswi belum mencukupi kebutuhan zat besi mereka. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaaan asupan zat besi brdasarkan konsumsi lauk hewani, konsumsi lauk nabati, konsumsi sayur-sayuran, konsumsi buah-buahan, konsumsi Ultra Processed Food, dan jenis tempat tinggal.
This study aims to determine the differences in iron intake among female college students based on consumption factors (animal-based side dishes, plant-based side dishes, vegetables, fruits, Ultra Processed Food) and individual factors (attitude towards red meat consumption, social media influence, nutrition knowledge, allowance, type of residence). The design of this study is cross-sectional, involving 147 undergraduate regular students from the Faculty of Public Health class of 2021, 2022, and 2023. Respondents were selected based on simple random sampling, and data collection was conducted online using Zoom. The research questionnaire was administered using Google Forms and Spreadsheets for the Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using the Independent T-Test method. Univariate analysis results showed that the average iron intake was 15.35±7.30 mg per day, with 70.1% of the female students not meeting their iron requirements. The study found differences in iron intake based on the consumption of animal-based side dishes, plant-based side dishes, vegetables, fruits, Ultra Processed Food, and type of residence.