Komplikasi persalinan merupakan penyebab langsung kematian ibu. Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) terus menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat global. Kunjungan antenatal menjadi faktor penting terjadinya komplikasi persalinan dan BBLR. Penelitian kunjungan antenatal, komplikasi persalinan, dan BBLR banyak dilakukan dengan beragam metode statistik. Tujuan penelitian menghasilkan evidence based recommendation kepada pemegang program berdasarkan perbandingan hasil analisis tiga alternatif pilihan metode statistik tentang pengaruh kunjungan antenatal terhadap komplikasi persalinan dan BBLR. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Sumber data berasal dari Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) 2017. Sampel penelitian sebagian wanita usia subur berusia 15-49 tahun yang melahirkan anak terakhir dalam 5 tahun terakhir sebanyak 12.035 responden. Variabel dependen: komplikasi persalinan dan BBLR, variabel independen: kunjungan antenatal, variabel potensial confounder: status ekonomi, tempat tinggal, pendidikan, status pernikahan, status merokok, jarak kelahiran, kunjungan antenatal pertama, kunjungan antenatal terakhir, petugas pemeriksa antenatal, tempat antenatal, paritas, usia ibu, dan jenis kelamin bayi. Analisis data menggunakan regresi logistik, cox, dan poisson dengan varians robust. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi komplikasi persalinan (47,40%) dan BBLR (6,56%). Kunjungan antenatal terbukti secara statistik berpengaruh terhadap komplikasi persalinan dan BBLR di Indonesia. Wanita yang melakukan kunjungan antenatal
Childbirth complications are a direct cause of maternal death. Low birth weight (LBW) continues to be a global public health problem. The antenatal care visits is an important factor in occurrence of birth complications and LBW. Research on the frequency of antenatal visits, birth complications, and LBW has been carried out using various statistical methods. The purpose of the study is to produce evidence-based recommendations for the program based on a comparison of the results of the analysis of three alternative statistical methods for Indonesia regarding the influence of the of antenatal visits on birth complications and LBW. This study is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design. The data comes from the 2017 Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS). The sample of this study included 12,035 respondents of women of childbearing aged 15-49 years who gave birth to their last child in the last 5 years. Dependent variables: birth complications and LBW, independent variables: frequency of antenatal care, potential confounder variables: economic status, geographic area, place of residence, education, marital status, smoking status, birth spacing, first antenatal visit, last antenatal visit, antenatal care provider, place an antenatal care, birth order, parity, maternal age, and baby’s sex. Data analysis uses logistic regression, Cox, and Poisson regression with robust variance. The results showed that the prevalence of birth complications (47.40%) and LBW (6.56%). The antenatal care visits had been statistically proven to influence childbirth complications and LBW in Indonesia. Women who had