Pendahuluan Cakupan kontrasepsi modern Keluarga Berencana Pascapersalinan (KBPP) di Indonesia baru mencapai 49.1 %, rendah dibandingkan target pemerintah 70 %. Upaya meningkatkan prevalensi penggunaan kontrasepsi modern KBPP diantaranya melalui komunikasi, informasi, edukasi (KIE) dan konseling berkualitas oleh bidan. Bidan berkontribusi dalam pelayanan Keluarga Berencana (KB) sebanyak 55.90 % dan menjadi rujukan sumber informasi KB terbanyak 19 %.Method Information Indek (MII) kualitas konseling KB Indonesia masih rendah 46.74 %. Rendahnya kualitas konseling menyebabkan tingginya angka unmet needs dan drop out KB. Kejadian drop out KB terbanyak karena efek samping 28.90 %. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh kualitas konseling pelayanan KBPP terhadap penggunaan kontrasepsi modern postpartum di Jawa Tengah. Metode Desain kuantitatif kohort prospektif. Menganalisis perbandingan pengaruh kualitas konseling pelayanan kebidanan KBPP terhadap intensi dan penggunaan kontrasepsi modern postpartum di wilayah Strategi Konseling Berimbang (SKB) dan Alat Bantu Pengambilan Keputusan (ABPK). Hasil Konseling KBPP meningkatkan 3.43 x (CI 95 %, 1.31-4.52) intensi penggunaan KBPP pada ibu hamil. Intensi meningkatkan 4.37 x (CI 95 %, 3.16-9.02) penggunaan KBPP. Konseling meningkatkan 5.05 x (CI 95%, 3.19-10.63) penggunaan KBPP. Dampak konseling SKB meningkatkan 1.517 x intensi KBPP dan 0.8 x penggunaan KBPP namun, metode konseling berpengaruh secara statistik tapi tidak berpengaruh secara substansi terhadap intensi dan penggunaan KBPP Kesimpulan Konseling penting untuk meningkatkan intensi dan penggunaan KBPP menggunakan metode konseling apapun. Frekuensi ideal pemberian konseling minimal 5x sejak hamil. Waktu pemasangan KBPP terbaik pada 0-3 hari postpartum saat ibu di fasilitas kesehatan Kata Kunci : Kualitas konseling, Asuhan kebidanan berkesinambungan, KBPP
Introduction Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP) coverage in Indonesia has reached 49.1%. Midwives have an important role in increasing the prevalence of PPFP through the quality of family planning counseling. The contribution of midwives in family planning services is 55.90%. The Method Information Index (MII) in Indonesia is still limited at 46.74 %. The lack of quality counseling causes a high number of family planning dropouts, mostly due to side effects of 28.90%. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of the quality of PPFP by midwifery counseling services on the use of modern postpartum contraception in Central Java. Methods This study employed a prospective cohort quantitative approach. It analyzed a comparison of the influence quality of PPFP by midwifery service counseling on the use of modern postpartum contraception in areas that use balanced counseling (SKB) and Decision Making Aids (ABPK) The results of PPFP counseling raised the intention to utilize KBPP by 3.43 times (95% CI, 1.31-4.52) among pregnant women. The intention to utilize PPFP increased by 4.37 times (95% CI, 3.16-9.02). Counseling increased PPFP use by 5.05 times (95% confidence interval, 3.19-10.63). The impact of SKB counseling raised 1.517 PPFP intentions and 0.8 PPFP use; However, the counseling method showed a statistically significant but small influence on PPFP intentions and use. Conclusion Counseling is essential for increasing PPFP intention and use, regardless of the counseling modality used. The optimal frequency of counseling is at least five times since pregnancy. The optimal period to install PPFP is between 0 and 3 days after birth, while the mother is in a health facility. Keywords: Quality Counseling, Continuity of Care Midwifery, PPFP