Loyalitas pasien adalah salah satu topik yang berkembang dalam literatur layanan kesehatan karena telah terbukti dapat memberikan banyak manfaat, seperti peningkatan keuntungan dan komunikasi mulut ke mulut (word of mouth) yang positif. RSU HGA merupakan rumah sakit swasta yang berada di Kota Depok dan berdampingan dengan beberapa rumah sakit lain sebagai kompetitor. Jumlah pasien rawat jalan di RSU HGA mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2019 dan mulai meningkat pada tahun 2023 tetapi belum seperti tahun 2018. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 200 responden dari populasi di unit rawat jalan RSU HGA. Ada beberapa variabel yang diteliti yaitu aksesibilitas, kepuasan, switching cost, kualitas, sikap relatif pasien yang dihubungkan dengan minat memberikan rekomendasi word of mouth pada masyarakat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat (deskriptif) dan multivariat dengan SEM PLS. Dari analisis data didapatkan seluruh konstruk dinyatakan valid dan reliabel sesuai dengan perhitungan loading factor, AVE dan cronbach alpha. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan variabel switching cost dan kualitas pelayanan berhubungan sikap relatif, serta sikap relatif berhubungan terhadap word of mouth. Sedangkan variabel lainya ditolak yaitu aksesibilitas, kepuasan dan faktor situasional tidak berhubungan terhadap sikap relatif. Dengan mediasi sikap relatif, aksesibilitas, kepuasan dan faktor situasional tidak berhubungan terhadap word of mouth sedangkan kualitas pelayanan dan switching cost berhubungan. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, maka sebaiknya RSU HGA melakukan peningkatan program loyalitas pasien yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keefektifan pelayanan kesehatan.
Patient loyalty is one of the growing topics in healthcare literature as it has been shown to provide many benefits, such as increased profits and positive word of mouth. RSU HGA is a private hospital located in Depok City and adjoins several other hospitals as competitors. The number of outpatients at HGA Hospital has decreased from 2019 and began to increase in 2023 but not yet like 2018. Cross sectional research design with a sample size of 200 respondents from the population in the outpatient unit of HGA Hospital. There are several variables studied, namely accessibility, satisfaction, switching costs, quality, relative patient attitudes related to interest in providing word of mouth recommendations in the community. Data analysis was carried out by univariate (descriptive) and multivariate analysis with SEM PLS. From the data analysis, it was found that all constructs were declared valid and reliable according to the calculation of the loading factor, AVE and Cronbach alpha. Hypothesis testing shows that switching cost and service quality variables are related to relative attitudes, and relative attitudes are related to word of mouth. While other variables are rejected, namely accessibility, satisfaction and situational factors are not related to relative attitudes. With the mediation of relative attitudes, accessibility, satisfaction and situational factors are not related to word of mouth while service quality and switching costs are related. With this research, HGA Hospital should improve patient loyalty programmes that are in accordance with the needs and effectiveness of health services.