Jumlah penyandang disabilitas usia sekolah (5-19 tahun) berkisar 2.197.833 jiwa. Sementara, yang terdata di Pusat Data dan Informasi Kemendikbudristek ada sekitar 269.398 anak yang mendapatkan pendidikan di sekolah luar biasa (SLB) dan sekolah inklusi artinya baru sekitar 12 % anak yang dilayani kebutuhan pendidikannya. Siswa remaja dengan disabilitas intelektual membutuhkan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksualitas dalam konteks pendidikan formal di SLB sebagai bekal pengetahuan dan untuk merespons dengan tepat situasi bahaya kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksualitas termasuk kesulitan yang dialami guru dan siswa remaja dengan disabilitas intelektual di SLB X dan SLB Y Kota Depok. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan desain studi kasus yang dilakukan selama bulan Januari-Februari 2024 di SLB X dan SLB Y Kota Depok. Jenis analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis tematik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder ; wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Penentuan informan wawancara mendalam (WM) dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model CIPP. Hasil analisis variabel Context ; sebagian besar komponen kebijakan sudah terpenuhi, analisis variabel Input ; sebagian besar komponen sudah terpenuhi dengan baik, analisis variabel Process; dilaksanakan dengan maksimal di SLB X sedangkan di SLB Y belum maksimal, analisis variabel Product : Dampak program di SLB X sudah ada dampak dari hasil pelaksanaan sedangkan di SLB Y belum ada dampak dikarenakan belum adanya program. Kesulitan yang dialami guru adalah waktu pelaksanaan dan kompetensi guru. Kesulitan yang dialami siswa adalah lingkungan dan dukungan orangtua/pengasuh. Kata kunci : CIPP, Disabilitas Intelektual, Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Seksualitas, Siswa Remaja, SLB.
The number of people with disabilities of school age (5-19 years) is around 2,197,833 people. Meanwhile, as recorded by the Data and Information Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, there are around 269,398 children who receive education in special schools and inclusion schools,it’s meaning only around 12% of children have their educational needs served. Adolescent students with intellectual disabilities need reproductive health and sexuality education in the context of formal education in special schools to provide knowledge and to respond appropriately to dangerous situations of sexual violence. This research aims to analyze the implementation of reproductive health and sexuality education, including the difficulties experienced by teachers and adolescent students with intellectual disabilities at Special School X and Special School Y, Depok City. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a case study design conducted during January-February 2024 at Special School X and Special School Y, Depok City. The type of analysis used is thematic analysis. Data collection uses primary data and secondary data; in-depth interviews, observations, and document review. Determination of informants for in-depth interviews was carried out using purposive sampling. This research method uses the CIPP model. Results of analysis of Context variables; most of the policy components have been fulfilled, analysis of Input variables; most of the components have been fulfilled properly, Process variable analysis; implemented optimally in Special School X than Special School Y. analysis of Product variable; The Impact of Program in Special School X showed the positive impact than Special School Y. The difficulties experienced by teachers are implementation schedule and teacher competencies. The difficulties experienced by students are the environment and parents/caregivers’s supports. Keywords: CIPP, Intellectual Disability, Reproductive Health and Sexuality, Adolescent Students, Special School.