Industri konstruksi di Indonesia menyerap tenaga kerja sebanyak 8,7 juta orang pada tahun 2023, dimana konstruksi dikenal sebagai pekerjaan berisiko tinggi dan merupakan penyumbang kecelakaan terbesar kedua di Asia. Iklim keselamatan merupakan salah satu faktor kunci dalam mencegah kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian ini fokus menganalisis iklim keselamatan manajemen dan iklim keselamatan pekerja di sebuah proyek konstruksi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed methode dimana total partisipan berjumlah 235 responden dan 26 informan kunci. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan Nordic Occupational Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50) dan wawancara mendalam. Analisa intersection antara data kuantitatif dan kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa terdapat ketidakkonsistenan pada tiap kategori iklim keselamatan. Pada iklim keselamatan manajemen, meskipun skor tertinggi diperoleh dimensi pemberdayaan keselamatan manajemen, namun dari hasil kualitatif diperoleh bahwa dimensi ini memiliki persepsi kurang paling tinggi. Pada iklim keselamatan pekerja, analisa intersection menunjukkan bahwa dimensi prioritas keselamatan pekerja dan dimensi kepercayaan terhadap keefektifan sistem keselamatan kerja memiliki persepsi kurang paling rendah. Perlu dilakukannya strategi peningkatan melalui evaluasi dan pengembangan sistem manajemen serta komunikasi keselamatan.
The construction industry in Indonesia absorbs a workforce of 8.7 million people in 2023, where construction is known as a high-risk job and is the second largest contributor to accidents in Asia. Safety climate is one of the key factors in preventing work accidents. This research focuses on analyzing the management safety climate and worker safety climate in a construction project. The research design used was a mixed method where the total participants were 235 respondents and 26 key informants. Data was collected using the Nordic Occupational Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50) and in-depth interviews. Intersection analysis between quantitative and qualitative data shows that there are inconsistencies in each safety climate category. In the management safety climate, although the highest score was obtained for the management safety empowerment dimension, from the qualitative results it was found that this dimension had the highest lack of perception. In the worker safety climate, the intersection analysis shows that the worker safety priority dimension and the dimension of trust in the effectiveness of the work safety system have the lowest perception. It is necessary to carry out improvement strategies through evaluation and development of safety management and communication systems.