Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis persepsi Just Culture pada pekerja di PT. Y, sebuah perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi di Kalimantan Timur. Persepsi just culture dinilai dengan menggunakan Just Culture Assessment Tool (JCAT) yang membagi persepsi just culture ke dalam 6 (enam) dimensi, yakni Feedback and Communication about Events, Openness of Communication, Balanced Treatment of Mistakes, Quality of Event Reporting Process, Overall Goal of Continuous Improvement, dan Trust towards Organization. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional, dengan instrumen kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi pekerja akan just culture sudah cukup baik, dan perlu adanya penerapan just culture yang lebih komprehensif, dengan komitmen manajemen dan program-program pendukung seperti sistem pelaporan insiden dan feedback yang lebih baik, serta basic training.
This study aims to understand and analyze the perception of just culture of the workers at PT. Y, an oil and gas company operating at East Kalimantan. The just culture perception is assessed by the Just Culture Assessment Tool (JCAT), which defines the perception of just culture into 6 (six) dimensions, i,e. Feedback and Communication about Events, Openness of Communication, Balanced Treatment of Mistakes, Quality of Event Reporting Process, Overall Goal of Continuous Improvement, and Trust towards Organization. This research is designed as cross sectional study, with questionnaire as research instrument. The result indicates that the just culture perception of workers at PT. Y is leaning towards positive area, and researcher suggests that a more comprehensive implementation of just culture is required, with leadership/management commitment and supported by robust programs such as the better incident reporting & feedback system, and basic HSSE training.