Strategi penanggulangan TBC di Indonesia telah berlangsung lama dan permasalahan TBC semakin kompleks dengan tantangan baru. Dalam penemuan kasus, komunitas memainkan peran penting dengan pendampingan pasien selama berobat. Diperlukan sistem jejaring dan penguatan data base melalui inovasi kecamatan Bebas TBC atau KEBAS TBC. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan KEBAS TBC dengan Tingkat keberhasilan program TBC di Kota Bekasi 2023. Desain dalam penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian Non eksperimental, kualitatif wawancara mendalam dengan semi terstruktur kepada pemangku jabatan, puskesmas dan kader di wilayah kecamatan. Peneliti telah melakukan proses pengambilan data primer dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam. Strategi untuk mewujudkan kecamatan bebas Tuberkulosis dengan meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui 5T. Ukuran dan tujuan dari kebijakan tercantum didalam Peraturan Walikota No 64.A tahun 2020 tentang strategi peningkatan pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Kerjasama lintas sektoral sebagai dasar penanggulangan TBC menjadi tanggung jawab bersama. Alokasi anggaran khusus diperuntukan bagi Dinas Kesehatan yang berfungsi sebagai promotif, preventif, dan kuratif dengan sumber dana APBD, DAK Non Fisik dan Global Fund. Kinerja implementasi Kebijakan adalah capaian target TBC menurut Standar Pelayanan Minimal, kemampuan petugas puskesmas dan kader sudah baik. Beberapa Organisasi menilai bahwa kegiatan masih tanggung jawab Dinas Kesehatan dan bersifat seremonial. Akses layanan Kesehatan sudah semakin mudah. Kondisi ekonomi, perilaku sosial dan pengetahuan berperan dalam penanggulangan TB. Implementasi Kebijakan Kecamatan Bebas TBC sudah berjalan dengan komitmen dan dukungan pemerintah daerah sehingga akses layanan menjadi mudah, koordinasi dan Kerjasama lintas sektoral baik. Saat ini diperlukan optimalisasi dari masing-masing pemangku jabatan dan tindak lanjut dari kebijakan tersebut.
The TB control strategy in Indonesia has been going on for a long time and the TB problem is getting more complex with new challenges. In case, The role of the community is very important in finding cases, accompanying patients during treatment. A network system and strengthening the data base are needed through the innovation of TBC-Free sub-districts or KEBAS TB. Purpose for this research is conducting an Analysis of the Implementation of the KEBAS TBC Policy with the Success Rate of the TB program in Bekasi City in 2023. Research Design Non-experimental, qualitative research of in-depth and semi-structured interviews with public officer , health centers and cadres in the sub-district area. The researcher has carried out the process of taking primary data by conducting in-depth interviews. Strategy to realize a Tuberculosis-free sub-district by increasing community empowerment through 5T. The size and objectives of the policy are listed in Mayor Regulation No. 64.A of 2020 concerning strategies to increase community empowerment. Cross-sectoral cooperation as the basis for TB control is a shared responsibility. The special budget allocation is intended for the Health Office which functions as promotive, preventive, and curative with sources of funds from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget, Non-Physical special allocation fund and Global Fund. The performance of the implementation of the Policy is the achievement of the TB target according to the Minimum Service Standards, the ability of health center officers and cadres is good. Several organizations consider that activities are still the responsibility of the Health Office and are ceremonial. Access to health services has become easier. Economic conditions, social behavior and knowledge play a role in TB control. The implementation of the TB-Free District Policy has been running with the commitment and support of the local government so that access to services is easy, coordination and cross-sectoral cooperation are good. Currently, optimization is needed from each position holder and follow-up of the policy.