Latar belakang : Ketidaktercapaian target kunjungan pasien rawat jalan di RSIA Kenari Graha Medika selama 3 tahun terakhir menunjukkan adanya masalah yang perlu segera diatasi. Tidak tercapainya target pasien lama selama periode tersebut mengindikasikan rendahnya minat pasien untuk kembali (repurchase intention). Komunikasi antara dokter dan pasien di unit rawat jalan RSIA Kenari Graha Medika menjadi perhatian karena beberapa kali mendapatkan komplain pasien. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui hubungan keterampilan komunikasi dokter dengan repurchase intention pasien rawat jalan di RSIA Kenari Graha Medika. Metode : Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 152 sampel. Variabel yang diteliti adalah keterampilan komunikasi dokter dihubungkan dengan repurchase intention yang dimediasi oleh variabel customer satisfaction. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat (deskriptif) dan multivariat dengan SEM PLS. Hasil : Dari analisis data didapatkan seluruh konstruk dinyatakan valid dan reliabel berdasarkan hasil perhitungan loading factor, AVE dan corbach alpha. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan semua variabel diterima. Kesimpulan : Keterampilan komunikasi dokter berhubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap repurchase intention melalui kepuasan pasien, semakin tinggi keterampilan komunikasi dokter maka semakin tinggi juga repurchase intention. Berdasarkan temuan bahwa keterampilan komunikasi dokter berhubungan signifikan dengan kepuasan pasien dan repurchase intention, penting untuk terus melatih dokter dalam keterampilan komunikasi yang efektif.
Background: The failure to achieve the target for outpatient visits at RSIA Kenari Graha Medika over the last 3 years indicates a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Not achieving the old patient target during this period indicates the patient's low interest in returning (repurchase intention). Communication between doctors and patients in the RSIA Kenari Graha Medika outpatient unit has become a concern because several times patient complaints have been received. Objective: to determine the relationship between doctors' communication skills and repurchase intention of outpatients at RSIA Kenari Graha Medika. Method: Cross sectional research design with a sample size of 152 samples. The variable studied is the doctor's communication skills which are associated with repurchase intention which is mediated by the customer satisfaction variable. Data analysis was carried out using univariate (descriptive) and multivariate analysis with SEM PLS. Results: From data analysis, it was found that all constructs were declared valid and reliable based on the results of loading factor, AVE and Corbach alpha calculations. Hypothesis testing shows all variables are accepted. Conclusion: Doctors' communication skills are positively and significantly related to repurchase intention through patient satisfaction. The higher the doctor's communication skills, the higher the repurchase intention. Based on the finding that physician communication skills are significantly related to patient satisfaction and repurchase intention, it is important to continue training physicians in effective communication skills.