Tingginya kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap moda perkeretaapian sebagai transportasi publik di wilayah metropolitan sejalan dengan pentingnya implementasi sistem keselamatan kebakaran di stasiun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja sistem keselamatan kebakaran di Stasiun X yang terdiri dari kinerja sistem proteksi kebakaran, kinerja sarana penyelamatan jiwa, dan kinerja manajemen tanggap darurat. Desain penelitian merupakan deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui metode observasi, wawancara, pengukuran jarak, dan telaah dokumen, lalu dibandingkan dengan standar NFPA. Tingkat kinerja direpresentasikan oleh persentase yang diperoleh dengan membandingkan jumlah komponen yang terpenuhi dengan jumlah komponen yang seharusnya terpenuhi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kinerja sistem proteksi kebakaran pasif sebesar 100% (Sangat Baik), kinerja sistem proteksi kebakaran aktif sebesar 95% (Sangat Baik), kinerja sarana penyelamatan jiwa sebesar 82.60% (Cukup Baik), dan kinerja manajemen tanggap darurat sebesar 80.64% (Cukup Baik). Secara umum, kinerja sistem keselamatan kebakaran di Stasiun X mencapai 89.56% (Sangat Baik) sehingga Stasiun X telah mengimplementasikan standar NFPA dengan efektif.
The high demand from the community for railway transportation as public transport in metropolitan areas goes hand in hand with the importance of implementing fire safety systems at the stations. This study aims to analyze the fire safety system performance at Station X, which consists of the performance of the fire protection system, the performance of means of egress, and the performance of emergency response management. The research design is descriptive-analytical with a qualitative approach. Data was collected through observation, interviews, distance measurements, and document reviews, then compared with NFPA standards. The performance level is represented by the percentage obtained by comparing the number of fulfilled components to the total number of components that should be fulfilled. Based on the research findings, the performance of passive fire protection system is 100% (Very Good), the performance of active fire protection system is 95% (Very Good), the performance of means of egress is 82.60% (Adequately Good), and the performance of emergency response management is 80.64% (Adequately Good). Overall, the performance of the fire safety system at Station X reaches 89.56% (Very Good), indicating that Station X has implemented NFPA standards effectively.