Tesis ini membahas tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan kesehatan sesudah pemaparan hasil survei kepuasan awal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan model non randomized pretest-postest control group design. Dimana penelitian diadakan di Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSUD Cengkareng sebagai rumah sakit eksperimen dan RSUD Tarakan sebagai rumah sakit control. Data kepuasan pasien dianalisa dengan menggunakan diagram kartesius. Hasil survei awal diumpan balikkan kepada RS Eksperimen dalam bentuk pemaparan, sedangkan kepada RS Kontrol tidak dilakukan pemaparan. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian tersebut, oleh karenanya manajemen RSUD Cengkareng dapat mengkomunikasikan secara terus menerus sistem mutu layanan dalam proses pelayanan.

This thesis explore about the rate of customer?s satisfaction to the quality of heath services after the presentation of the beginers satisfaction survey?s result. This research done by the experimental coalition with non-randomized pretest-postest control group design model. The research established at Cengkareng Hospital Emergency Room as experimental hospital and at Tarakan Hospital as control hospital. The data which has been collected that analyzed by using cartesius. The beginers of survey result that use as feedback then give to the experimental hospital in the form of presentation, in other hand to the control hospital give without presentation. Accordance to the result, thus RSUD Cengkareng Management can communicate continuously the quality service system in the service process.