
Tesis ini membahas analisis strategi pemasaran unit Medical Check Up RS St. Elisabeth Bekasi dengan menggunakan QSPM, serta melihat karakteristik pelanggan MCU dan bauran pemasaran. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian memberikan beberapa strategi dari bauran pemasaran, diantaranya strategi produk, strategi harga, strategi penempatan, dan strategi promosi. Keempat strategi tadi terangkum dari strategi market development dan product development yang berasal dari QSPM serta karakteristik pasien, dimana semuanya terangkum dalam matriks rencana strategis pemasaran. Agar strategi yang diusulkan bermanfaat, disarankan melakukan pembenahan internal terlebih dahulu terutama memperkuat bagian pemasaran agar dapat mendorong keberhasilan program yang telah direncanakan. Kepustakaan 42 (1995- 2010), Gambar 14, Tabel 27, Lampiran 3 Kata Kunci: strategi pemasaran, medical check up, bauran pemasaran


The focus of this study is Marketing Strategic Analysis of Medical Check Up at Santa Elisabeth Bekasi Hospital by using QSPM, and see the characteristics of MCU customers and the marketing mix. This research is qualitative descriptive interpretive. The results provide some of the strategies of the marketing mix, including product strategy, pricing strategy, strategic placement, and promotion strategies. The four strategies summarized from the market development strategy and product development derived from QSPM and patient characteristic, which are all encapsulated a matrix of strategic marketing plans. In order for the proposed strategy is useful, it is advisable to reform internally first, especially to strengthen the marketing department in order to encourage the success of programs already planned Literature 42 (1995-2010), Picture 14, Table 27, Attachment 3 Keyword : marketing strategy, medical check up, marketing mix