
ABSTRAK Penelitian berdesain kohort retrospektif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh KIH terhadap perilaku dalam perawatan Bayi Baru Lahir yang meliputi pelaksanaan IMD, pemberian ASI saja, pencegahan hipotermi dan perawatan tali pusat dilakukan di 9 Kelurahan di Kota Metro. Jumlah sampel 86 responden ibu yang memiliki bayi umur < 1 bulan terdiri dari 2 kelompok, yaitu terpapar KIH dan tidak terpapar KIH masing-masing 43 responden. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan regresi logistik ganda model prediksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh pada perawatan bayi baru lahir yaitu; KIH pada perilaku IMD dan pemberian ASI saja, pengetahuan pada perilaku pencegahan hipotermi dan dukungan nakes pada perawatan tali pusat. Disarankan bagi penentu kebijakan untuk memasarkan program KIH sesuai dengan segmentasi pasar, meningkatkan kualitas penyampaian materi pencegahan hipotermi dan perawatan tali pusat. Kata Kunci : Kelas Ibu hamil, perawatan bayi baru lahir

 ABSTRACT This retrospective cohort study aims to determine the effect of pregnancy class on behaviour in newborn care, including implementation of the immediate breast feeding, breastfeeding only, hypothermia prevention and the umbilical cord care. This study use to 86 respondent from mother which have newborn as a sample, consisting of exposed by pregnancy class and unexposed groups respectively 43 respondents. The Collected data were analyzed by univariat analysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis by logistic regression using the prediction model. The result of study showed that the most dominant factors that are influential are; pregnancy class on immediate breastfeeding behaviour and breastfeeding only, the knowledge on the behaviour of hypothermia prevention and health workers support in umbilical cord care. Recommended for policy makers to make the role of pregnant mothers in the Pregnancy class activities becomes better, as the pregnancy class affect the behaviour of the well newborn care. Key Words : The Pregnancy Class, Newborn care