Skripsi ini membahas aplikasi kesehatan kerja yang sudah dilakukan oleh PT.Bridgestone Tire Indonesia Bekasi pada tahun 2012 yang dibandingkan denganKemenkes nomor 1758 tahun 2003 dan Kep Dirjen P2K nomor 22 tahun 2008.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan disain deskriptif. Hasil penelitianmenyarankan bahwa PT. Bridgestone Tire Indonesia Bekasi harus melakukanpengukuran lingkungan kerja selama 8 jam terutama pada pengukuran kebisingandan kuallitas udara; melakukan test Spirometri pada pekerja area Banbury, FinalInspection dan Tube; harus menambah pelatihan P3K sebanyak 6 orang; harusmelakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan pra mutasi dan pra mutasi intern; harusmelakukan recruitment 1 orang dokter S2K3, 1 orang Perawat hiperkes, 1 oranglaborat, 1 orang industrial hygien; harus melengkapi peralatan seperti alat P3K,Komputer, buku panduan, personal dust sampler; juga harus membuat insidentrate penyakit akibat kerja (PAK) dan kecelakaaan kerja (KK), prevalensi ratePAK dan KK, serta angka absensi sakit akibat penyakit umum, PAK dan kecelakaan kerja.Kata kunci : Kesehatan kerja, penyakit akibat kerja, kecelakaaan kerja
This minithesis discusses the application of occupational health that have beenconducted by PT. Bridgestone Tire Indonesia Bekasi in 2012 compared withDecision of the Health Ministers No. 1758 of 2003 and Decision of the DirectorGeneral of Labour Inspection Guidance No. 22 of 2008. This research is aqualitative descriptive design. The results suggest that PT. Bridgestone TireIndonesia Bekasi have to take measurements for 8 hours of work environments,especially in the measurement of noise and air quality, perform spirometry test inBanbury area workers, Final Inspection and Tube, should add as many as 6 peopleFirst Aid training, need a medical examination pre-mutation and pre-mutationinternal, should do recruitment 1 Physician with Magister Of Occupational Healthand Safety, 1 Nurse with training of Hiperkes, 1 lab, 1 industrial hygienist, mustcomplete tools such as First Aid equipment, computers, manual of occupationalhealth services, personal dust sample, should also make insident rate ofoccupational diseases and occupational accidents, the prevalence rate ofoccupational diseases and occupational accidents, as well as the number ofsickness absence due to common diseases, occupational diseases and occupationalaccidents.Key Word:Occupational health, occupational diseases, occupational accidents