
Postur janggal saat bekerja dapat menimbulkan keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Pada wawancara awal di departemen produksi didapatkan hampir semua pekerja mengeluh pegal dan nyeri pada anggota tubuhnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan postur kerja dan keluhan MSDs pada pekerja konveksi di departemen produksi PT. Z Batam. Penelitian ini mengunakan desain cross sectional dan metode penilaian untuk postur tubuh pekerja dengan REBA (rapid entire body assessment). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat risiko MSDs pada tingkat menengah yang artinya perlu investigasi lebih lanjut dan perubahan. Dan 84 persen pekerja mengeluh mengalami keluhan MSDs yang dinilai dengan nordic body map. Penulis menyarankan agar desain kerja lebih diperhatikan dan disesuaikan dengan pekerja, memberikan pemahaman melalui pelatihan kerja tentang risiko ergonomi dan tata-tata cara bekerja yang sesuai dengan prinsip ergonomi, Pekerja sebaiknya melakukan peregangan otot agar otot bisa berelaksasi.

 Awkward postures while working can cause complaints of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Almost all of the workers interviewed, at the production department convection complained of stiffness and pain in the limbs. The purpose of this study is to explain the working postures and MSDs, affecting workers at the production section of PT Z Batam. This study uses crosssectional design and posture assessment for workers, using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method. The finding showed that the risk of MSDs occurred at the secondary level, which means the need for further investigation and changes to be made. And 84 percent of the workers who complained of pains related to MSDs were assessed with nordic body map. The author suggested that more attention and design work are tailored to the workers, through job training an understanding of risk governance ergonomics and work procedures in accordance with the principles of ergonomics.Workers should also perform muscle stretching in order to recharge.