Upaya mengimbangi peningkatan kebutuhan terhadap SDM Kesehatan adalah melalui peningkatan pendidikan. Pendidikan tinggi merupakan lanjutan pendidikan dari tingkat menengah, dimana sumber daya yang dihasilkan sudah semestinya memiliki kualitas/mutu yang sanggup bersaing di dunia kerja. Institusi pendidikan kesehatan dapat secara efektif membantu mengurangi prevalensi perilaku kesehatan berisiko di kalangan mahasiswa dan memiliki pengaruh positif pada kinerja akademik mahasiswa. Mutu pendidikan mengandung tiga komponen penting yaitu kualitas luaran, kualitas cara/proses penyampaian, dan daya tarik khusus/citra umum institusi, ketiga dimensi tersebut dapat dijabarkan ke dalam banyak dimensi butir mutu. Akreditasi BAN-PT terhadap STIKES PHI untuk Jurusan S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat berdasarkan Keputusan BAN-PT No: 031/BAN-PT/Ak-XIV/S1/X/2011 memiliki peringkat C dengan nilai 250 (BANPT, 2011). Jurusan D3 Keperawatan belum terakreditasi BAN-PT dan hanya memiliki akreditasi dari Dinas Kesehatan dengan nilai B. Hal ini disebabkan sistem manajemen mutu belum terintegrasi dimana tidak ada komunikasi data dan koordinasi antar unit, sehingga monitoring dan evaluasi internal (monevin) kurang berjalan.
Tujuan studi ini untuk membangun model sistem informasi manajemen mutu (SIMM) berbasis administrasi akademik. Studi menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengembangan SDLC dengan pendekatan RAD yaitu system prototyping. Penelitian dilakukan di STIKES PHI, melibatkan Mahasiswa, Dosen, Ketua STIKES, Unit Akademik, Unit Kemahasiswaan, Unit Keuangan dan Kepegawaian, Unit Penjaminan Mutu. Hasil penelitian yaitu adanya masalah input, proses dan output. SDM, sarana dan alat serta sistem informasi yang kurang memadai turut menjadi penyebab terhambatnya manajemen mutu. Aplikasi SIMM dirancang berbasis administrasi akademik untuk kecepatan akses dan menyediakan informasi, alat bantu monevin mutu STIKES. Desain SIMM memberikan kemudahan pada input, proses dan output secara otomatis dengan cepat dan tepat dimana through put time dari entry, proses dan reporting berkurang sampai > 80%. Desain SIMM menghasilkan data backup borang akreditasi BAN-PT, dimana data backup merupakan butir-butir borang akreditasi yang diakomodir yaitu Standar 3, Standar 4, Standar 5, Standar 6, dan Standar 7 dengan pemilihan variabel yang dapat dikuantifikasi.

Efforts to compensate for the increased demand for health human resources is through increased education. Higher education is the education of advanced secondary level, where resources are produced should have the quality that can compete in the working world. Health education institutions can effectively help reduce the prevalence of health-risk behaviors among students and have a positive influence on students' academic performance. Quality of education contains three important components of quality outcomes, quality way or delivery process, and the special attraction or general institutional image, the third dimension can be translated into many dimensions of quality grain. BAN-PT accreditation against STIKES S1 PHI to the Department of Public Health Decree No. BAN-PT: 031/BAN-PT/Ak-XIV/S1/X/2011 has a rating of C with a value of 250 (BAN-PT, 2011). Diploma of Nursing majors have not been accredited by BAN-PT and only has accreditation from the Department of Health with grade of B. This is due to the quality management system has not been integrated where there is no data communication and coordination between the units, so that the internal monitoring and evaluation (Monevin) walk less.
The purpose of this study to establish a quality management information system model (SIMM)-based on academic administration. The study used a qualitative approach to SDLC development method with the RAD approach of system prototyping. The study was conducted in STIKES PHI, involving students, lecturers, STIKES Chairman, Academic Unit, Student Affairs Unit, Finance and Personnel Unit, Quality Assurance Unit. The result is a problem input, process and output. Human resources, facilities and equipment, and inadequate information systems has contributed to the delays in quality management. SIMM application is designed to speed access to academic administration and provide information, tools of quality Monevin of STIKES. SIMM is designed to provide convenience to input, process and output automatically quickly and precisely where the through put time of entry, processing and reporting decreases by> 80%. SIMM design produces a data backup BAN-PT accreditation forms, where data backup is a grain of accreditation forms that accommodated the Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7 and the selection of variables that can be quantified.