 Jumlah kasus campak di propinsi Lampung tahun 2010 sebanyak 573 kasus dengan IR=0,75/10.000 populasi dan kejadian luar biasa sebanyak 135 kasus. Di kabupaten Lampung Tengah kasus campak dari periode 2005-2011 cenderung fluktuatif, peningkatan tajam angka incidence rate terjadi pada tahun 2011 sebesar 2,36/1000 balita. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan model sistem informasi surveilan campak yang menampilkan hasil perhitungan surveilan campak. Pendekatan studi kualitatif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kebutuhan pengembangan sistem informasi surveilan campak. Model pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode rapid application development (RAD) system prototyping yang bertujuan untuk menyusun model aplikasi surveilan penyakit campak. Dari hasil analisa kelayakan disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan sistem informasi surveilan campak dapat dilaksanakan dengan menghasilkan hasil perhitungan indikator surveilan campak berupa grafik attack rate kasus tidak campak dan tidak diketahui status imunisasi, grafik distribusi proporsi kasus campak, grafik attack rate campak yang diimunisasi, grafik efikasi vaksin, dan case fatality rate yang berguna untuk peningkatan sistem kewaspadaan dini kejadian luar biasa penyakit campak. Kehandalan sistem dapat dilihat dengan melakukan implementasi dan penelitian lanjut selama lebih kurang 6 bulan pada dinas kesehatan kabupaten Lampung Tengah dan puskesmas dengan melakukan asessment tentang aspek determinan. 

 The number of cases of measles in the province of Lampung in 2010 as many as 573 cases with IR = 0.75 / 10,000 population and extraordinary events as much as 135 cases. In Lampung Tengah district regency measles cases tend to fluctuate from period 2005-2011, a sharp increase in numbers occurred in the incidence rate of 2.36 in 2011/1000 toddler. The general objective of this research is to produce a model of measles surveillance information system that displays the results of the calculation of measles surveillance. Qualitative study approach is used to evaluate the need for measles surveillance information system development. Model of system development using rapid application development (RAD) prototyping system that aims to create a model for measles surveillance applications. From the results of the feasibility analysis concluded that the measles surveillance information system development can be carried out with the calculation result of measles surveillance indicators in the form of graphs attack rate of measles cases and unknown immunization status, the proportion of cases of measles distribution charts, charts are immunized against measles attack rate, vaccine efficacy graphs, and the case fatality rate is useful for the improvement of early warning system and measles outbreaks. System reliability can be seen with the implementation and conduct further research for about 6 months in Lampung Tengah district health offices and health centers to conduct assessment and on aspects of the determinants.