
Program Orientasi Berbasis Kompetensi merupakan metode dalam program orientasi perawat baru. Penelitian descriptive correlational secara cross sectional bertujuan menganalisis Hubungan antara Kompetensi Pasca Orientasi dengan Kinerja Perawat Baru di RS X Jakarta Tahun 2013.

Hasil penelitian pada 127 perawat baru di RS X didapatkan perawat baru mempersepsikan kompetensi interpersonal baik (74.81%), kompetensi teknis baik (80.31%), kompetensi berpikir kritis baik (62.21%). Kinerja perawat baru mempersepsikan baik adalah 69,39%.

Analisis menunjukkan ada hubungan antara program orientasi berbasis kompetensi dengan kinerja perawat baru (pvalue= 0,000, CI: 0,336; 0,696). Variabel dominan berhubungan dengan kinerja perawat baru adalah kompetensi teknis. Kompetensi perawat baru membentuk perawat baru memiliki penampilan kerja profesional sehingga program ini penting diterapkan di setiap orientasi perawat baru.

Competency-based orientation program is a method of new nurse orientation programs. Research on cross-sectional descriptive correlational aimed to analyze the relationship of competency-based orientation program with the performance of new nurses at X Hospital, Jakarta in 2013.

Results for 127 new nurses in X Hospital, Jakarta new nurses get a good view of interpersonal competence (74.81%), good technical competence (80.31%), good competence in critical thinking (62.21%). New nurses to see better performance is 69,39%.

Analysis showed no relationship between competency-based orientation program with the performance of new nurses (p = 0.000, CI: 0.336, 0.696). The dominant variables associated with the performance of new nurses is technical competencies. Competence of new nurses to form a new nurse has a professional performance so that important programs applied in any orientation of new nurses.