

Keselamatan pasien menjadi penting karena masih tingginya angka KTD di rumah sakit secara global maupun nasional. Di RSUD Sele Be Solu pada tahun 2011,dari 1.560 pasien rawat inap penyakit dalam yang dilakukan pemasangan infus sebanyak 1,9% mengalami phlebitis. Di ruang rawat inap anak RSUD Sele Be solu, kejadian phlebitis setelah pemasangan infus kurang dari 3 hari ditemukan sebanyak 8 pasien (20%) dari 40 pasien anak dan ada 11 pasien (61,1%) dari 18 pasien anak setelah lebih dari 3 hari pemasangan infus. Selama ini belum pernah dilakukan penilaian budaya keselamatan pasien di Rumah sakit Sele Be Solu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan frekuensi pelaporan KTD dengan budaya keselamatan pasien oleh perawat di RSUD Sele Be Solu. Metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, populasi adalah seluruh perawat di instalasi rawat inap sebanyak 110 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan menyebarkan kuesioner.

Hasil penelitian ada hubungan antara frekuensi pelaporan KTD dengan feedback dan komunikasi terhadap kesalahan, (p value = 0,018) besarnya hubungan dua kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kerjasaman dalam unit. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya tingkat pelaporan KTD di RSUD Sele Be Solu Kota Sorong. Saran kepada pihak manajemen agar segera membentuk komite keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit dan menerapkan standar keselamatan pasien sesegera mungkin/

Patient safety become an important issue because adverse events are still in a high level at hospital globally and nationally. In 2011, at Interna ward of Sele Be Solu Sorong hospital, from 1.560 patients which had i.v line attached by nurses, 1,9% patients were had phlebitis. While at the pediatric ward, phlebitis events after i.v line was attached less than three days, 8 patients was found (20%) from 40 patients, and there were 11 patients (61,1%) from 18 children after 3 days of i.v line was attached. The patient safety culture in Sele Be Solu hospital was never been assessed. The purpose is to discover the relationship between adverse events frequency report and patient safety culture by nurses at Sele Be Solu hospital. Quantitative method was used in this study with cross sectional approached, population were all nurses at inward installation, which are 110 people. Data was gathered with questionnaire which had filled by nurses.

The result is there are relationship between adverse events report frequency activity with feedback and communication to the false (p value=0,018) and the relationship are double amounts higher than teamwork in the unit. Conclusion is the report activity of adverse event at Sele Be Solu hospital Sorong is low. Suggest to the hospital management is to form patient safety committee at hospital and set the patient safety standard procedure immediately.