S2 - Tesis

Pterygium pada pekerja luar ruangan di PT SCM kantor cabang Tasikmalaya dan Banjar tahun 2015

Adi Gail; Pembimbing: L Meily Widjaja; Penguji: Chandra Satrya, Hanny Harjulianty, Darmawan M Sophian (FKM-UI, 2015)


Latar Belakang: Pterygium merupakan kelainan mata yang terutama di deritaoleh penduduk yang tinggal di negara tropis dan subtropis, penyebabnya pajanansinar matahari (UV), debu dan udara panas. Hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan rutintahun 2014 banyak ditemukan pterygium (85%).Tujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi dampak pajanan sinar matahari, debu dan udarapanas terhadap kelainan pterigium pada pekerja di luar ruanganMetode: potong lintang, pengambilan sampel secara random.Jumlah sampel 32orang dari masing-masing kantor cabang. Menggunakan data primer darikuesioner dan data sekunder dari pemeriksaan mata.Hasil: Prevalensi pterygiumpekerja diluar ruangan sebesar 50%, rasioprevalens 4,Old ratio 7.Adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara lokasi pekerjaan (p=0.012),kebiasaan merokok (p=0,020, riwayat pajanan sinar matahari, debu, udara panas(p=0,020) dan jenis kendaraan operasional (p=0.0029)dengan kelainan pterygium.Kesimpulan: Pterygium pada pekerja di luar ruangan disebabkan pajanan sinarmatahari, debu dan udara panas dengan dipengaruhi lokasi pekerjaan, kebiasaanmerokok, jenis kendaraan operasional.Kata kunci: Pterygium, sinar matahari, pekerja di luar ruangan
Background: Pterygium is an eye disorder that primarily suffered by people whoare live in a tropical and subtropical countries, due to the ultraviolet (sunlight),dust, and heat exposure. The routine medical check up held on 2014 of PT.SCMfound that 85% of their workers were suffered by pterygium.Objective: To evaluate the effects of sunlight, dust, and heat exposure topterygium among outdoor workers.Method: A cross-sectional study with random sampling that participated by 32workers of each branch. This study use questionaires to collect a primary data andalso do the eye examination to get the secondary data.Outcome:The result of this study show that the prevalence of pterygium amongoutdoor workers is 50% with the score of prevalence ratio is 4, and the score ofold ratio is 7. This study also found that there is a significant correlation betweenthe location of work (p=0.012), smoking habits (p=0.020), history of sunlight,dust, and heat exposure (p =0,020), and the type of operational vehicle (p=0.0029)with pterygium disorders.Conclusion:The exposure of sunlight, dust, and heat may cause Pterygium amongoutdoor workers, which is affected by the location of work, smoking habits, andtype operational vehicle.Keywords: Pterygium, sunlight, outdoor workers


Jenis Koleksi : S2 - Tesis
No. Panggil : T-4466
Pengarang :
Nama badan : Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat. Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Program Studi/Peminatan : Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Promotor/Pembimbing :
Ko-Promotor/Penguji :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok : FKM-UI, 2015
Kode Bahasa : ind
Tipe Carrier :
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 39 hlm, il; 30cm.
Departemen-Jurusan : Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Kata Kunci : Ptergyum; sinar matahari; pekerja diluar ruangan
Lembaga Pemilik : Pusinfokesmas FKM UI

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