S2 - Tesis

Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Program Posyandu di Koja Jakarta Utara th 2004

Sitorus, Kartika / Pembimbing: Siregar, Kemal N; Artha, Prabawa / Penguji: Besral; Djulaeha, Siti; Wazir, Taslim; (FKM-UI, 2005)


Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu) berdaya ungkit untuk menurunkan angka kematian balita dan ibu, serta memperbaiki status gizi balita. Posyandu mempunyai 5 (lima) program prioritas yaitu KB, KIA, gizi, imunisasi, penanggulangan diare dan program tambahan serta dana sehat. Rendahnya cakupan program di Posyandu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya pembinaan dari lintas program kesehatan dan lintas sektor terkait. Agar manajemen program Posyandu di Koja optimal, perlu didukung oleh ketersediaan sistem informasi. Tujuan pengembangan sistem adalah dikembangkannya sistem informasi program Posyandu di Kecamatan Koja dalam mendukung pelayanan kesehatan dan manajemen program Posyandu, teridentifikasinya masalah sistem informasi manajemen program Posyandu, teridentifikasinya kebutuhan sistem informasi & peluang pengembangan sistem, tersusunnya basis data yang mencakup peta tematik KB, KIA, gizi, imunisasi dan penanggulangan diare, serta tersusunnya rancangan keluaran dari sistem berupa laporan dalam bentuk tabel dan peta. Masalah sistem informasi manajemen program Posyandu Koja adalah bahwa pencatatan dan pelaporan data program Posyandu belum akurat karena teknologi informasi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Pengiriman data sering terlambat karena pengolahan data belum menggunakan sistem informasi yang berbasis data, laporan rumit dan susah menentukan strata Posyandu, format laporan yang ada tidak mencakup semua data program Posyandu. Kebutuhan sistem adalah agar pencatatan dan pelaporan bisa optimal, pengiriman data bisa cepat, data bisa disimpan dan ada back up data, mudah menentukan strata Posyandu, laporan bisa mencakup semua program di Posyandu, serta peta Posyandu bisa ditampilkan. Pengembangan prototipe ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan pada sistem yang ada, sehingga dapat membantu kebutuhan manajemen program Posyandu. Prototipe dapat menghasilkan laporan manajemen program Posyandu, menghasilkan strata Posyandu dengan otomasi. Hasil dari laporan program Posyandu ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh lintas program dan lintas sektor terkait untuk pembinaan dan pengembangan Posyandu. Daftar bacaan: 40 (1987-2004)
Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu) has leverage forceful to decrease children under five and mother mortality rate, as well as to improve the nutrient status of children under five. Posyandu has five (5) priority programs such as: family planning (KB), health of mother and children under five (KIA), nutrient, immunizations, handling the diarrhea and additional program as well as health fund. Low coverage of program at Posyandu is due to less establishment from across health program and across connected sector. To make the management program at Koja Posyandu becomes optimum, it is needed to be supported by the availability of information system. The purpose of the system development is to develop program of information system of Posyandu in Koja Sub District in supporting health services and Posyandu management program, identified program on management information system of Posyandu program, identify the necessity of information system and system development chances, arranged in orderly of basis data that covers map of theme of family planning (KB), health of mother and children under five (KIA), nutrient, immunizations, handling the diarrhea along with compiling the plan output from the system in a form of report such as table and map. Problem in the program management of information system in Posyandu Koja is that the record and report of data Posyandu program has yet accurate since the technology of information has not been utilized adequately. The sending of the data often delay since the compiling of the data is yet to use information system on data basis, report is complicated and difficult to determine Posyandu degree, the form of report does not cover all data programs in Posyandu. The necessity of system is to optimize the recording and reporting system, sending the data can be quick, data can be stored and the availability of back up, easy to determine the Posyandu degree, the report covers all programs in Posyandu as well as that Posyandu map can be display. The development of this prototype is to be expected to overcome the problem in the current system and therefore can support Posyandu management program needs. The prototype could produce Posyandu management program report and automatically determine the degree of Posyandu. The result of this report can be utilized by across program and across connected sector for establishment and development of Posyandu. List of reference: 40 (1987-2004)


Jenis Koleksi : S2 - Tesis
No. Panggil : T-2097
Pengarang :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok : FKM-UI, 2005
Kode Bahasa : ind
Tipe Carrier :
Deskripsi Fisik : xvii, 105 hlm. il
Departemen-Jurusan :
Kata Kunci :
Lembaga Pemilik : Pusinfokesmas FKM UI

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