S2 - Tesis

Analisis proses penetapan pola pengelolaan keuangan badan layanan umum daerah di ruah sakit umum daerah Dabo tahun 2016

Maliana; Pembimbing: Purnawan Junadi; Penguji: Dumilah Ayuningtyas, Wachyu Sulistiadi, Suprijanto Rijadi, Ahmad Harijadi (FKM-UI, 2017)


Tesis ini membahas Proses Penetapan Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum Daerah di RSUD Dabo Tahun 2016 tentang kebijakan/regulasi pemerintah daerah, kesiapan Tim Penilai dan kesiapan Tim Persiapan PPK-BLUD RSUD Dabo, juga dari segi persyaratan substantif, teknis dan administratif. Penetapan BLUD di Tahun 2015 yang tidak beroperasional, menurunnya status BLUD di Tahun 2016 dan transisinya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kebijakan/regulasi dari pemerintah daerah dan Tim Persiapan PPK-BLUD RSUD masih belum maksimal; disarankan dibuat dokumen pendukung PPK-BLUD seperti Peraturan Daerah,Peraturan/Instruksi/Surat Keputusan Bupati, Surat Keputusan Direktur yang terkait dengan operasional RSUD BLUD tersebut; sosialisasi tata cara penilaian PPK-BLUD sesuai dengan SE/900/ 2759/SJ/2008 agar proses penetapan PPK-BLUD RSUD efektif dan efisien dan segera terimplementasinya RSUD BLUD dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat Kabupaten Lingga. Kata kunci: Proses penetapan ;Kesiapan; PPK BLUD. This thesis sudied the process of the State Regional Hospital Dabo applies to the financial management system of the regional public service agency in 2016; about the policy/government regulations regionalgoverment, readiness of assessor team and the readiness of preparation team of applies the financial management system of the regional public service agency and also from the aspects of substantive technical and adminstratif rule ,the determined of Public Service Agency in 2015 was not operational, declined the Public Service Agency status in 2016 and the transition. This research is a qualitative research. The research concluded that the results the policy/government regulations from regional goverment, readiness of assessor team and the readiness of preparation team of applies the financial management system of the regional public service agency was not yet maximum; suggested made the supporting documents regional regulation, regulation/instruction/regent decree, hospital directur decree that related for the financial management system of the regional public service agency functioning; socialitation of system assessment of the financial management system of the regional public service agency based ciculate letter of the minister of home affairs number vii 900/2759/SJ/2008, in order that the financial management system of the regional public service agency effective and efficient and soon implemented public service agency due to increase performance and the quality of public health service of lingga regency. Key words: Process Determining; Readiness Process ;Public Service Agency


Jenis Koleksi : S2 - Tesis
No. Panggil : B-1847
Pengarang :
Nama badan : Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat. Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan
Program Studi/Peminatan : Kajian administrasi rumah sakit
Promotor/Pembimbing :
Ko-Promotor/Penguji :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok : FKM-UI, 2017
Kode Bahasa : ind
Tipe Carrier :
Deskripsi Fisik : xiii, 99 hlm , llh 30 cm
Departemen-Jurusan : Kajian administrasi rumah sakit
Kata Kunci : Proses penetapan; kesiapan; PPK BLUD; process determining; redines process; public service agency
Lembaga Pemilik : Pusinfokesmas FKM UI

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 Maliana-tesis-fkm-naskah ringkas-2017.docx ::
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