S2 - Tesis

Analisa Ergonomi Musculoskeletal Symptoms (MSS) Terhadap Faktor Pekerja, Faktor Pekerjaan dan Faktor Lingkungan Pada Pengemudi Professional Light Vehicle di PT ACD Indonesia

Ronel Raders Sitompul; Pembimbing: Indri Hapsari Susilowati; Penguji: Chandra Satrya, L. Meily Kurniawidjaja, Samy Awaluddin, Agus Mulyana (FKM-UI, 2020)


Tesis ini membahas gambaran keluhan musculoskeletal symptoms yang terjadi pada 41 pengemudi professional light vehicle toyota hiace di PT ACD Indonesia Riau selama tahun 2020 untuk mencari penyebab terjadinya keluhan musculoskeletal symptoms yang terjadi dengan menggunakan metode REBA serta NBM tools, penelitian ini juga mencari bagaimana cara mencegah dan mengatasi keluhan yang terjadi kepada pengemudinya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif observasional deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perusahaan untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan pelatihan resiko ergonomi mengemudi kepada seluruh pengemudinya untuk meningkatkan tingkat awareness mereka terkait dengan keluhan yang dialami serta cara mengatasi nya; kegiatan olahraga rutin sebelum memulai pekerjaan; pertukaran pola kerja; serta perbaikan persyaratan saat melakukan prakualifikasi tender/lelang alat transportasi khusus nya persyaratan untuk kursi pengemudi yang dapat di adjustable naik dan turun serta roda kemudi yang bisa berfungsi tilt steering dan telescopic.

Driving requires high concentration for quick and accurate coordination between eyes, hands, feet and brain; therefore, driving is a job with high risk to experience exhaustion and other health disorders. The aim of this research is to illustrate the effects Musculoskeletal Symptoms (MSS) on drivers, their specific factors, as well as environmental factors towards 41 light vehicles professional drivers in 2020. This research is also a measure of risk levels of posture with REBA method on light vehicle drivers of toyota hiace at PT ACD Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive, qualitative, and observational with quantitative approach which applied to team SMO transportation at PT ACD Indonesia, especially in district of Duri. With this method, the researcher wants to get images of muscles and bones complaints also to figure ergonomic risk level using REBA method. Employee data is analyzed based on age, driving experiences, IMT, workout habit, smoking habits, driving duration, period of employment, work posture, physical and non- physical factors. The results of this research is drivers within the age group of 24-34 years old and period of employment less than 10 years never experience injuries and musculoskeletal complaints. Work pattern 5:2 with driving durations of 3 hours or more work responsibilities show 100% respondents experience musculoskeletal complaints on some of their body parts such as necks, backs, and calves. Drivers who of heights of 161 to 170 cm experience some complaints on their necks. Meanwhile those who work out a minimum three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes per day dominantly experience musculoskeletal complaints on necks, the bottom of their backs, buttocks/thighs and calves. Based on this study, it is concluded that driving demands with high concentration can cause muscles constraints on their body parts, this can be seen on 90.2% respondents who experience musculoskeletal complaints on their body parts, meanwhile 9.8% do not experience any complaints, with 51.2% experience complaints on necks, 51.2% on the bottom of the backs, 56.1% on buttocks/thighs and 61.0% on calves. whereas, the biggest ergonomic risk level using REBA method while driving is when one has to turn steering wheel and also the dominant posture.


Jenis Koleksi : S2 - Tesis
No. Panggil : T-6025
Pengarang :
Nama badan : Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat. Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Program Studi/Peminatan : Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Promotor/Pembimbing :
Ko-Promotor/Penguji :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok : FKM-UI, 2020
Kode Bahasa : ind
Tipe Carrier :
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 97, hlm.; 30 cm
Departemen-Jurusan : Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Kata Kunci : Musculoskeletal Symptoms, Light Vehicle, Adjustable, Tilt Steering, Telescopic
Lembaga Pemilik : Pusinfokesmas FKM UI

File Digital: 2 

 Ronel Raders Sitompul-Tesis-FKM-Naskah Ringkas-2020.docx ::
 Ronel Raders Sitompul-Tesis-FKM-Full Text-2020.pdf ::
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