
The economics of health and medical care: proceedings of a conference held by the international economic association at Tokyo edited by Mark Perlman: daftar isi): 1. The economic history of medical care; 2. Economic history and health care in industrialized nations; 3. Problems of the demand for and supply of health services, and the relation of mortality to economic activity: The system of medical care in Japan and its problems; 4. Proprietary hospitals in the United States; 5. The determinants of national outlay on health; 6. Economics of need: the experience of the British health service; 7. Private patients in N.H.S. hospitals: waiting lists and subsidies; 8. Consumer protection, incentives and externalities in the drug market; 9. Price and income elasticities for madical care services; 10. Supplier-induced demand: some empirical evidence and implications; 11. The impact of demand for health services: Health, hours and wages; 12. A test of alternative demmand - shift responses to the medicare program; 13. Demand for emergency health care and regional systems for provision of supply; 14. The quantitative and the qualitative provision of hospital, physician and paraprofessional services and social control: The role of technology, demand and labor markets in the determination of hospital costs 15. A microanalysis of physicians' hours of work decisions; 16. Modeling the delivery of medical services; 17. Measuring the effectiveness of health care systems'; 18. Health indicators and health systems analysis; 19. The quality of hospital services: an analysis of geographic variation and intertemporal change; 20. Smoking and the economics of government intervention; 21. Allied health personnel in physicians' offices: an econometric approach; 22. Econometric forecasts of health services and health manpower; 23. Method and methodology in understanding the choice of health care systems: On the social rationality of health policies; 24. Choice of technique; 25.

Perlman, Mark; 1. R.M. Hartwell; 2. Mark Perlman; 3. Takeshi Kawakami; ; 4. Richard N. Rosett; 5. . Ephrahim Kleiman; 6. Michael Cooper; 7. Anthony J. Culyer; J.G. Cullis; 8. Elizabeth Liefmann-Keil; 9. Joseph P. Newhouse; Charles E. Phelps; 10. Robert G. Evans; 11. Michael Grossman; Lee Benham; 12. Bernard friedman; 13. Ulf Christiansen; 14. Karen Davis; 15. Frank A. Sloan; 16. Judith Lave; Lester Lave; Samuel Leinhardt; 17. Alan Williams; 18. Emile Levy; 19. Martin S. Feldstein; 20. Anthony B. Atkinson; 21. Michael D. Intriligator; Barbara H. Kehre; 22. Donald E. Yett, (et al); 23. Jean-Pierre Dupuy; 24. Micael Kaser; 25. ; (New York John Wiley 1974 (FC.FKM 2001), [s.a.])



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