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Factors associated with health literacy among first year students of Universitas Andalas in West Sumatra Health literacy is the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information services needed to improve and maintain health; however, study around health literacy is limited among Indonesian population, including among those with higher educational status. This research aimed to assess factors associated with health literacy among first year students of Universitas Andalas. Data came from the Indonesian Health Literacy Study 2019, focusing on samples of first year students from 15 faculties of the Universitas Andalas (n=363). Health literacy was measured using the European Health Literacy Survey Question 16 (HLS-EU-Q16), tat had been adapted into Indonesian context. Among all respondents, the average score of health literacy was 2,90 (SD=0,49). Factors associated with health literacy were access to health information, ethnic identity, and access to health services. Required for increasing individual health through social media for sharing information, educative intervention in improving health literacy skill.
The high stunting rate in Kebumen District makes this region one of the special locations for handling stunting in Indonesia. One of the reasons is because the policies and regulations on stunting interventions have not been maximally used as a common foundation in dealing with this problem. One of them is the policy of utilizing village funds. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of policies and formulation of advocacy for the use of village funds for stunting in Kebumen Regency in 2019. This study was a qualitative study using the RAP (Rapid Assessment Procedure) approach. The subjects of this study were stakeholders at the District, Sub District and Village level governments that were selected using a purposive technique. The results showed that the uptake of village funds in the health sector including stunting was still very small. In five villages the stunting locus reached only 2.7%. Therefore a strategy is needed, through synchronization and policy collaboration from the Office of Community and Village Empowerment (Dispermades) with policies from the Health Office
The aims of the research are to find out (1) the implementation of health operational assistance (BOK) at Bekasi City Health Center, (2) the size and objectives of the policy, (3) implementation of coverage programs for obstetric complications management, (4) the availability of human resources, (5) implementation disposition and (6) social, economic and political environment that affect the implementation of health operational assistance (BOK) with coverage of obstetric complications management in the Bekasi City Health Center in 2019. Research variables include human resources, budget, guidelines, facilities, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The sample involved in implemention of health operational assistance (BOK) with coverage of obstetric complications management in the Bekasi City Health Center consisted of 9 respondents. The results of the research revealed that budget planning was in accordance with technical guidelines, human resource policies were inadequate, the amount of funds was sufficient and the accountability process needed 2 supervision and simplification of reporting. At the level of achievement of the obstetric complications management program, service coverage has increased, but there are some services that do not meet the Minimum Service Standards (MSS) targets.
Customer satisfaction at RSUD dr. Soekardjo has decreased since the last 3 (three) years and has not yet reached the target set. Patient satisfaction is one of that affects the quality of hospital services. Patients as external consumers need to get health services as expected. patient satisfaction measure were taken through 4 dimensions of satisfaction. This study aims to determine the role of deliver Information and health Education in the Inpatient at RSUD dr. Soekardjo Tasikmalaya 2020. The research used quantitative approach with cross sectional study design. The sample in this study was 173 adult inpatients with a sampling technique using quota sampling. Data collected using a questionnaire with the interview method. Data were analyzed with chi square and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that the delivered of information and education was related to patient satisfaction at RSUD dr. Soekardjo, Tasikmalaya 2020, patients who were adequately informed and educated 4 times were more satisfied with hospital services compared to patients who did not get enough information and education. Suggestions are to conduct an overall evaluation of the implementation of deliver information and education, the availability of information and education media as well as the increased use of these media
Mental health problems in workers are things that should not be underestimated because they can interfere with the productivity of workers themselves and agencies. This thesis discusses the relationship between work-life balance, motivation and demographic factors with job satisfaction of employees who work at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. This research is a quantitative study with cross-sectional design. 59.3% of employees were not satisfied working, 56.7% of employees had an unbalanced work-life balance and 54.7% had high work motivation. Work-life balance is not statistically related in this study while motivation is related to employee job satisfaction, employees who have high motivation feel more satisfied with their work than those with low motivation. Demographic factors related to employee job satisfaction are education. Low-educated employees are more satisfied with their work than highly educated employees after being controlled by work-life balance and motivation. Age and length of work are not related to employee job satisfaction. Suggestions that can be given based on the results of the study are the provision of incentives, regular training, division of tasks according to workload proportionally and the use of good information and communication technology to help employees achieve work-life balance and satisfaction.
Indonesia is the country with the most population in 10 years in Southeast Asia. In discussions arising from the issue of hearing rate (LPP), the government prepared a family planning program and one of the targets of the family planning program was adolescents. The research objective was to determine the relationship between the needs of family planning services for unmarried adolescents with the intention to use contraception in adulthood.This research is quantitative analytic with cross sectional approach. The questionnaire used by Adolescent Men (RP) and Women of Fertile Age (WUS). The population in this study were all unmarried adolescents in Indonesia. The sample was 18,464 respondents. The results show the proportion of adolescents who intend to use contraception in the future (82.6%). Chi square test results show a relationship between the need for family planning services for unmarried adolescents with the intention to use contraception in adulthood. The result of multivariate analysis shows that there is a relationship between the need for family planning services for unmarried adolescents with the intention to use contraception in adulthood after being controlled for confounding variables. Conclusion Unmarried male adolescents who do not need family planning services, aged 15-19 years, are not exposed to mass media, have knowledge of <4 methods / methods of family planning tend not to intend to use contraception in adulthood. Collaboration between the scientific field and the BKKBN is needed in making a Health Promotion strategy regarding family planning services that is in accordance with the needs of unmarried adolescents.
The low number of deliveries in health facilities and assisted by health workers in the Rakit Kulim sub-district. The research objective was to obtain in-depth information about the description of childbirth practices in the Talang Mamak tribe house. The qualitative research method uses the phenomenology approach by conducting in-depth interviews with 6 informants, 2 base informants and 7 key informants. The results of the study were obtained from the practice of childbirth at the Talang Mamak tribe house, among others: cultural practices during childbirth and postpartum: cultural practices that endanger childbirth at home such as less suitable places / spaces for delivery, cleanliness of the tools used during childbirth, methods used, birth attendants untrained, abstinence from food for postpartum mothers, and provision of food for newborns, while the cultural practices of childbirth and postpartum culture that support home births are among other things; placenta care, postpartum care with herbs and use of barots; low knowledge of mothers about the danger signs of childbirth and childbirth which is influenced by low levels of education and lack of information obtained by mothers; Low perceptions of mothers about childbirth and childbirth are risky because they think that childbirth is a natural process for a mother; the high level of mother's trust in the dukun because of her experience, hereditary traditions, her belief in unseen things, the services she provides and is a person who has been known to her for a long time; physical accessibility to the utilization of health services that is not far away can be achieved by two-wheeled impetus and cheap transportation costs; economic accessibility to the utilization of health services where most mothers are housewives, the decision is taken by birth mothers and the costs of childbirth and postpartum are not a problem; In health facilities, there are differences in the services provided during childbirth and postpartum. Conclusion: The factors that influence the practice of childbirth in the Talang Mamak tribe house are cultural practices of childbirth and postpartum; knowledge of the danger signs of childbirth; perceptions of risky labor and childbirth; trust in dukuns, while those that do not affect: physical accessibility to the use of health services; economic accessibility to the utilization of health services; and health facilities. The importance of making efforts to improve health services by taking into account the factors that can affect the utilization of health services.
The prevalence of mental disorders among young adults in Indonesia has increased, indicating the importance of improving mental health literacy among them. This study aimed to determine the social determinants and mental health literacy among first year undergraduate students of Universitas Hasanuddin, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data for this study came from the Indonesia Health Literacy Study 2019, a cross-sectional online survey of undergraduate students from four public universities in four provinces of Indonesia. Mental health literacy was measured using the Mental Health Literacy Scale (MHLS) which had been adapted into Indonesia context. The results showed that respondents had relatively low mental health literacy (M=59,60 on a scale of 0-100). Bivariate analysis showed that gender, relationship status, and scientific clusters were associated with MHLS. Multivariate analysis showed that mental health literacy was lower among male students, students who refused to reveal their ethnic identities, and students of science-tech cluster. Interventions through mental health education and mental health call center are recommended to improve mental health literacy, especially among these undergraduate students of Universitas Hasanuddin.
Background: The amount of people with mental disorders is increasing in Indonesia. Referring to National Health Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health in 2018, the prevalence of people with severe mental disorders (schizophrenia / psychosis) increased from 0.15% to 0.18%. to determine mental health issues in the community, there is an urgency for potential workers in the community, namely mental health cadres. Objective: This study aims to describe the role of mental health cadres in mental health programs within the community. Method: Qualitative method with a phenomenological design comprises interview and FGD were used in this research. Result: Of 20 informants, we found that cadres have performed their roles including the role in primary prevention namely person with mental issues data collection (screening), motivating families and people with mental disorders, and providing health education. Subsequently, roles in detection and outreach as a secondary prevention. Tertiary prevention is to motivate people with mental disorders so they will take prescriptions, mentoring to take medication and make a referrals. Conclusion: 2 mental health cadres have performed their roles, however there are still many obstacles in society that cadres need to overcome.