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Majalah Dokter Keluarga (MDK), vol.4, No.6, Mei 1985. hal. 274-293
[s.l.] : [s.n.] : s.a.]
Indeks Artikel Jurnal-Majalah   Pusat Informasi Kesehatan Masyarakat
Women's health: recent advances in the Asia-Oceania region/ edited by A.B. Saefuddin; B. Affandi; G.H. Wiknjosastro,-- (Daftar isi: 1. Experience with the first 100 HIV infected pregnant women at Siriraj Hospital Bangkok; 2. Implantable contraceptive status and developments; 3. The future of family planning; 4. Women's health the challenge to obstetrician-gynecologists; 5.Fertility and infertility: a global perspective; 6. New method to prevent bladder dysfunction after radical hysterectomy; 7. Neural tube defects: a new inborn error of metabolism?; 8. The third age, the third world and the third millinium; 9. Trophoblastic-endometrial cellular relations; 10. Our neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in management for advanced ovarian cancer and uterine cervical cancer; 11. Menstrual dysfunction and combined oral contraception; 12. Oral contraceptives and benign and malignant gynecological disorders; 13. Oral contraceptives and the breast; 14.Control of uterine contractions: assessment and evaluation present methods and direction in the future ; 15. Induction of labour - impact on operative delivery; 16. Recent trends in the surgical treatment of invasive vulvar cancer; 17.Non utilisation of available resources - why ?; 18.Unmet needs in outreach programmes; 19.Inappropriate training of health care providers; 20.Injectable contraceptive: current status; 21. Follow-up of norplant use beyond 5 years; 22.Contraceptive vaginal rings: a review; 23. Implementation of nation-wide program in accelerating the reduction of maternal mortality in Indonesia; 24. Managing labor in twin pregnancy; 25. Trophoblastic disease: current concept in chemotherapy; 26.Core contents in postgraduate training and certification; 27.Subspecialty training in abstetrics and gynaecology; 28.Assessment and certification; 29.Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in adolescence; 30.Management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the reproductive age; 31. Management in perimenopausal age; 32.Lipid metabolism and endothelial cell dysfunction in women with toxemia of pregnancy; 33. Fetal assessment and intervention in PIH; 34.Management of complications of pregnancy induced hypertension; 35.Intensive care monitoring; 36.A study of 447 cases of eclampsia admitted in DHaka medical college hospital; 37.Advocacy role in national policy decision; 38.Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for cervical carcinomas; 39.Adjuvan therapy in carcinoma of endometrium; 40.Current status of assisted reproductive technology in Asia-Oceania; 41.Biopsy of preimplantation embryos and genetic diagnosis; 42.Assisted reproduction technology - gamete donation; 43.Assessment of fetal behaviour ; 44. Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis; 45.Changing trends in breastfeeding; 46.Screening for breast cancer; 47.Benign conditions of the breast; 48.Breast cancer and pregnancy: a review; 49.Ethical issues related to assisted reprductive techniques; 50.Sex determination tests, obstetrician and society; 51.Ethical issues on perinatal and neonatal medicine in Japan with special emphasis on the viability of extremely low birth weight infants; 52. Pathophysiology of endometriosis; 53.Immunological aspect on progression of endometriosis and infertility associated endometriosis; 54.Epidemiology of endometriosis; 55.Endometriosis - an old disease revisited; 56.endometriosis: surgical treatment; 57.Pelvic endometriosis in the young; 58. Vaginal infections and perinatal outcomes; 59. Bacterial perinatal infections: a developing world perspective; 60.TORCH screening: is it useful?, W.W.Sumpaico; 61.Assessment of urinary incontinence; 62.Conservative & medical management of urinary incontinence; 63.Surgery for stress incontinenece; 64.Obstetric emergencies at paramedical level; 65. Physiology of puberty - endocrinological changes and pubertal growth; 66.Precocious puberty; 67.The admission test; 68.Antepartum fetal surveillance: the biophysical profile score; 69.Fetal ECG in intrapartum surveillance; 70. Screening and epidemiological trends in cancer of cervix; 71. Current management and trend of ovarian cancer; 72. Clinical characteristics and outcome of borderline tumors of the ovary; 73. HIV/AIDS in the Philippines: an overview; 74.HIV in Thailand; 75.Promoting the sexual health of adolescents: stereotypes and strategies; 76.Hysteroscopic surgery; 77.Operative endoscopy: how far can we go?; 78.Limitations and complications of gynaecological endosurgery; 79.Intrauterine therapy-does it reduce perinatal loss?; 80.The treatment of pre-invasive carcinoma of the cervix; 81. Management of HPV-positive CIN patients; HPV type and the risk of progression of CIN to cancer; 82.Controversies in the treatment of pre and early invasive lesions of the cervix; 83. Recruitment of students to medical school; 84. The curriculum course content; 85. Have we gone wrong in the under-graduate training of medical students?; 86. Early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy; 87. Low dose aspirin therapy in pregnancy: an overview; 88. Tumour markers and oncogenes; 89.Iatrogenic obstetrics intervention and high caesarean section rate; 90. Management of previous caesarean section; 91. Rising caesarean section rate and impact on maternal and perinatal outcome; 92. Modalities of treatment; 93. Beneficial aspects of HRT; 94. Hormone replacement therapy and cancer; 95.Routine ultrasound screening and IUGR; 96. Is there a place for routine screening of fetal anomaly?; 97.Management ol male subfertility; 98. Genetic aspects of male infertility; 99.
52.Pathophysiology of endometriosis, H.Minaguchi; 53.Immunological aspect on progression of endometriosis and infertility associated endometriosis, N.Umesaki; 54.Epidemiology of endometriosis, K.Arumugam; 55.Endometriosis - an old disease revisited, C.L.K. Chan; 56.endometriosis: surgical treatment, F.A. Moeloek; 57.Pelvic endometriosis in the young, P.C. Ho; ...
P 613.04244 WOM
[s.l.] : Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo, 1995, s.a.]
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